Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy Weekend + Wedding Stuff

Whew! Thank goodness it is Friday friends.  It has been an eventful week with applying for our marriage licence, setting a date with magistrate court (Sept 7 in case you're curious) and pulling together the details.
I'm a bit overwhelmed even without planning a conventional wedding which is exactly why we're going this route.  My dress is in the mail (after they sent me the wrong size), B bought his suit yesterday, and I ordered some flowers for my hair.  I'm debating a bird cage veil, but I just don't know, what do you think???
We're attending a friend's wedding shower this weekend and I'm looking forward to some rest.  What are you up to?  Whatever you do, I hope it's great!

(I'd love to know your thoughts on the veil?  Do you think it would be too much or just right?)

image: wood and wool stool (via the style files)


  1. I absolutely love the dress and flowers for your hair. You don't need a veil... it might be a bit much. I love those types of veils, but in my opinion they look better with more traditional dresses. You are going to look perfect!

  2. Agreed. Love the dress! I also think the veil might be too much. The flowers are perfect though! It's going to be a gorgeous look!

  3. I agree with the ladies above. The flowers are substantial enough that you don't need the veil.

    You're going to look great!

  4. love your dress. birdcage veils are all the rage and i admire anyone who can pull them off. i say go for it.

  5. love your dress. birdcage veils are all the rage and i admire anyone who can pull them off. i say go for it.

  6. I am ALL about a veil. Your wedding day is the only day you can get away with wearing one.

  7. I think if you love the veil, go with it! it's your special day, and nothing is "too much"!

  8. Since I make these kinds of veils, I'm all for it! It adds just the right about of snap even to a casual wedding dress, and is so cute and sassy;)

  9. i like both the veil and the dress. but i think the veil will add to the cutest style of the dress.
    have fun dressing up!

  10. so exciting!!! I love all your details! I almost ordered that veil, and ended up going with a cheaper one also on etsy... and it was horrible... like so super tiny I don't know how I normal sized person was suppose to wear it! I think the one you picked is beautiful though and you should go for it!!

  11. Oh! Go for the veil!
    It's a once in a lifetime event and I say even if you're having a tiny celebration, you're still going to have photos and such forever. I also think it suits your style to a t.

    What shoes are you wearing??

  12. For that price, I say order the veil. If you get it and decide it doesn't work, you can put it out on the blog for someone else to buy... plus, it's the perfect time to wear a veil, even if you're going the nontraditional route.

  13. Personally, I don't think the veil would be too much at all! So lovely. & your dress is beautiful - I love the bust / top of it.

  14. You're going to look awesome, veil or not! (though I would say yes to the veil)...Have fun on your day!
    (stressing's so not worth it!)

  15. oh Christina... I just clicked all the links and got a little choked up. You will be SO gorgeous in that dress and floral headpiece. I think the veil would be a great addition! You only get married once! I'm getting so excited for you!

  16. I think you would look gorgeous in the veil, but with the flowers you have enough and will look a little special. So...this isn't much help. Either will be perfect!

  17. I love ban-do! Their pictures from the black label line with Alison Sudol made me dye my hair red.

    I made myself a fun headdress with birdcage netting but, being farsighted, I couldn't see a *thing* when the veil was down. If you decide to go with the veil, I would recommend that you try looking out through the stuff before you try to wear it on a special day.

  18. One of those short divine numbers? Absolutely!

  19. Your dress is gorgeous! That's a shame that they sent the wrong size.
    I love the flowers and the birdcage veil -- they make such a beautiful combination!
    Happy weekend to you!


  20. The veil would be a great complement to the flowers! Go for it (I had an alencon lace veil for the ceremony and a birdcage one with fascinator for the reception!)

  21. Go all out! You only get married once. Do the birdcage veil and perhaps a cute pair of mesh kid gloves.... :)

  22. Your dress is just so pretty and the flowers in your hair will be perfect. I don't think that you really need the veil

  23. ooooooooooooh, your big and fabulous day is coming! how exciting!

    i love the dress. i do. it is just perfect for you. and i also love the veil. i think i'd have to see the combo together to see if it works well. but i know that isn't really very helpful!!!

    hope you had a fab weekend, and i am happy to finally catch up w/you your blog after being gone for a while!

  24. first of all i love this little teapot flower holder!! but onto the important stuff.. i actually really love the birdcage veil look, im just not sure about that exact one. its a little too closed up, i think. maybe one that kind of clips into the hair or looks more like a headband?


  25. you are going to be such a stunning bride!!!! xoxoxoxooxxo

  26. Hi! So exciting! I love the idea of a birdcage veil--and I think they are especially appropriate for courthouse weddings (that's what you're doing, right?). There's something very 1940's, old-fashioned romantic about them! I say, do it!

    And, you could always wear it for part of the day--take some photos with it on--and then retire it.

  27. i love your dress!! flowers in your hair will look perfect, and I think maybe you can modify the veil to work with the flowers.
    Veils are so romantic and I think a perfect way to say "I am getting married" It's just a wonderfully romantic statement.
    I think you should design something like a small pillow box hat that is covered in flowers with a small veil for over yours eyes.
    Let us know what you do!!

  28. I think a birdcage veil would look stunning on you and with that gorgeous dress. How exciting! The last few months are just going to FLY by! Happy Planning!

  29. Yay, I'm so excited for you guys - the big day is coming up soon! Your dress is perfect, as is B's suit. Love the flowers you chose for your hair, and yes you should definitely wear the veil. It's so romantic and vintage inspired, and fits you perfectly. I'm grinning just thinking about you guys!


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