Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Under $100: Eyewear from Warby Parker

I have been in the market for a new pair of glasses for almost a year now.  I've been patiently searching for a pair of vintage frames that are quirky, but don't make me look goofy and needless to say, I have yet to find some.  Recently, I ran across a new company in the latest issue of Lucky, Warby Parker.  Warby Parker sells vintage-inspired frames for $95.  The $95 includes the prescription lenses with standard anti-scratch and anti-reflective coating!   Now, if you have been wearing eyeglasses for as long as I have, you know this is a DEAL.
Here are the one's I will be purchasing:

Why are the frames so reasonably priced you might be wondering?
"Warby Parker was conceived as an alternative to the overpriced and bland eyewear available today. Prescription eyewear simply should not cost $300+. The industry is controlled by a few large companies that have kept prices artificially high, reaping huge profits from consumers who have no other options. By circumventing traditional channels and engaging with our customers directly through our website Warby Parker is able to provide higher-quality, better looking prescription eyewear for under $100."

In case you were wondering if I needed any other reason to support this company, Warby Parker has partnered with to donate one pair of glasses to someone in need for every pair that they sell.  Wow!
B will be ordering his own pair this weekend so I'll definitely keep you up to date on how we like them.   I'll be ordering mine within the next month hopefully.
Read about the company story and F&Qs.


  1. i LOVE how they donate a pair - i have ALWAYS wanted to wear glasses - i use to try and "lie" to the doctor so i can guy a pair - wierd i know! - but i think it was b/c they made you "look smart" - well atleast in my eye's! (no pun intended) .. if i were to get a pair - i would SO love this buy and give back method!

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  2. those are super cute, I can't wait to hear how they work out. my only problem is I have a strong prescription - do they make a thin lens at all?

  3. hi kelly- according to the f&q's to the website, "The maximum prescription that we currently sell is: ±10.00 SPH (sphere) and ±4.00 CYL (cylinder).

    If you have a very strong prescription, we'll be sure to give you a call after you enter your prescription so that we can help you make the best and safest decision for your new glasses."

    i'd say it's worth a try and maybe they can guide you if you call them...

  4. Oh wow! My husband is friends with one of the founders of this company and we went to the opening party a few months ago. I can attest to their husband bought a pair on the spot and has been wearing them ever since. The styles are fantastic, they are light and look great on. I was eyeing a pair for myself as's a great company, great cause and I can't wait to see you wearing them!!

  5. I love these! I seriously have been looking for a nice pair of new glasses. thank u!!!!


  6. love these glasses.

    just stumbled upon your blog and i have to say i LOVE it. do come drop by mine too and maybe we can follow each other. =)

    have a lovely day!


  7. This place may not have the great philanthropic mission that Warby Parker has, but they sure do make inexpensive glasses. And you definitely have to rifle through some crazies, but I think they have some super cute pairs! Just another option for cheap glasses. =)

  8. These are fabulous!! I love the pair you will be getting!! If I wore glasses I would get those too LOL :)

  9. this is brilliant!

    last time i was at the eye doctor to get new contacts, i found the perfect pair of frames, so i considered getting new glasses, too. i was FURIOUS when i found out the frames ALONE were $395. come on. give me a break. needless to say, IT DIDN'T HAPPEN. these prices are a hell of a lot more realistic!

  10. i love warby parker i almost ordered the same filmores in tennessee whiskey last month!


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