Friday, June 4, 2010

Slow Readers Book Club, Book #3

SRBC admin has picked a new book selection for the book club!  If you're wondering what book club I'm talking about you can catch up on the creation of the Slow Readers Book Club and the previous books here.  The new book is:

The People of Paper by Salvador Plascencia.  This book is available in numerous languages so international readers shouldn't have a problem getting their hands on a copy.  Read more of Diana's post to get the details on availability and for your chance to win a copy of the book.   Plascencia's debut novel has been described as "violent", "cheeky", "playful", "macabre", "explosively unreal, but bares human truth with devastating accuracy." Interested?  Me too! Let's read it together, ok?
Important links for SRBC:
readers forum / Twitter / Facebook / giveaway of new book

note- SRBC has almost 600 members! Thank you all for your support :)
{image via Our City Lights and quotes via Amazon}


  1. i still can't get over there's a "slow readers book club" - i LOVE that idea! - b/c i'm SO not a fast reader - i take in and put the book down and reflect - i guess that would be my type of book club if i were to join a book clue

    *Happy Weekend*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  2. Thanks for posting! I was so tired and excited about posting the book, I completely forgot to write what it was about.

  3. Is this still going on? if so I want to join in!! Please contact me over at my blog!!!!


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