Friday, June 4, 2010

Happy Friday + New Tumblr

So, I think it's official.  I have a problem.  If you asked me last week whether or not I could fit any other activities into my daily life, which consists of:
full time job + blog + shop + reading this addictive series + maintaining  a relationship with B + sleep
I would have said HELL no.  But alas, after a suggestion from this lady (who also happens to be the same person that talked me into joining Twitter), I have decided to begin a tumblr scrapbook of sorts entitled, "Down and Out Chic Part II" (impressive huh?  You'll have to excuse me if I'm not feeling clever, it's Friday!)
Have I completely lost my mind?!  Well, maybe but I come across so many images every day that I want to share but they really don't have a home here on D&OC.  My hope is that the tumblr account will be more of a visual scrapbook with a focus on interiors and photography. I won't be doing any writing, just sharing pretty images. 
Granted, I don't really know how to use tumblr but I've posted some photos already and I'd love for you to take a peek.  If you use Google Reader, you can also add it to your subscriptions if you feel so inclined or you can follow via tumblr.  If you have a tumblr account, please leave me the link. I'd love to check it out!
Happy Friday lovelies.  I suppose you know what I'll be doing this weekend :)

{image via somehowlou}


  1. oh deary-deary...tumblr can keep me up all night! Visual delightssss...
    Will check it out! Get a restful weekend darling~

  2. Haha. I know what you mean. Your tumblr looks lovely. I started one this year when I was on study leave and supposed to be studying (, which is also a place to collect images. I have also started using Pinterest, which is completely addictive and time-wasting and I'd advise against it if you are weak when faced with pretty pictures, as I am.

  3. I know exactly what you mean, I will check it out. I just found some inspiration tear sheets in a box in the garage w "stuff"


    Art by Karena

  4. oh how lovely. i just love tumbler. i will check you out soon. i am sure it will be pretty.

    have a wonderful weekend.

    ^-^ ox

  5. I feel ya, full time job, shopping addiction, gym, blog, tumblr.... where do we find the time?!?!


  6. it is definitely addictive! Going to chekc it out now and add you to my faves
    have a lovely weekend x

  7. yay! i have a tumblr too, haven't updated it in a few months though. and don't worry, i tend to take on too much too :)

  8. Your tumblr page looks lovely! I've been considering starting a page, but I just know I'd be addicted to it :)

  9. how do you do it? you're an inspiration. can't wait to check out your new tumblr. if it's anything like your blog, it'll be a new favorite for sure. have a lovely weekend, christina!

  10. Creative people just HAVE to do different things and blend this with that.It's our nature.So you are sane.

  11. I love it! So many pretty images - thanks for making your tumblr! :)

  12. Nice to know I'm not the only one taking on way too much but secretly loving it all at the same time. off to take a peek at your tumblr page. Take care. M x

  13. welcome to the addictive outlander series of Jamie Fraser *sigh* now *swooning* I have read the entire series twice!
    what book are you on now?
    I need to get "Echo in the Bone" that just came out.

  14. Just consider it a form of organization! ;)
    That is how I use flickr. I like the name btw.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. It's beautiful! I'm impressed that you joined Twitter. I have considered it but am not sure that I can fit another thing on my to-do list!

  16. Hi I compeletely understand regarding pretty pictures addiction. It's a problem I am not willing to give up though! Lovely blog, now following. xo

  17. Oh that is cool! Good for you :)
    I can't wait to see how your tumblr account turns out!


  18. I like the suitcases photo. I don't know how other bloggers do it. I can't keep up trying to read the everyday or several times a day posters never mind actually writing it.

  19. Great images. I wonder if you realize that already there are themes that are similar in a lot of the photos. I am always amazed at how quickly we can identify the things we love with images even if we didn't know we loved it.

  20. Just when I thought I couldn't find more things to drool over.

    Very nice collection. As always, thanks for sharing.

  21. I love tumblr! Starting mine was one of the best things I've ever done - theres no blog pressure just pretty images of things I love.

    Yours looks lovely, I'm so excited that you started one :)


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