Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Photography: Winnie Au

I can't help but smile and be cheered by these sweet dog portraits by Winnie Au.

The patterned back drops are a nice touch too.  I'd love to have some professional portraits of my pups taken but it seems a little excessive for the budget.  I can't help but think it would be worth it though, especially because, like me, they aren't getting any younger :)

images via here


  1. So adorable!!!!! I would love to have my dog photographed. I had her painted by fifi flowers. It's in my living room and I smile everytime I see it

  2. I agree - I totally want professional portraits taken of my two mutts! I also want my artist mom to do charcoal drawings of them...if only she would fit me into her busy schedule. :)

  3. Gorgeous pics! I love the first one and the last one makes you want to snuggle up to his adorable face. Need to go give my furbaby a hug now!

    xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com

  4. I love these and the patterned backgrounds make them so charming. I never got the chance to professionally photo my Martha before we lost her but I did take a precious photo of her gazing out the window that has become so treasured to me.

  5. I don't even like dogs, and these are awesome.

    You should shoot your own (perhaps with a backdrop of vintage scarves?) :)

  6. I love all of these pics! It's made me miss our dog, Plugger. Love the back grounds she used!

  7. um, these shots are adorable.

    my pets aren't getting any younger, and i have been a slacker about the photos. dang that! must make up for lost time and snap snap snap some shots of them!

  8. It's in my living room and I smile every time I see it
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  9. If anyone is interested, you can find Winnie'snotecards on my website http://www.maustudio.com/shop-by/designers/sibling-rivalrie/dog-portrait-series-1.html


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