Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Decor: Vintage Scarves

I have SO many vintage scarves that I rarely wear but just love to have around.  I've recently come across two examples of how I might be able to use them.

I really, really love the idea of hanging them on a small ladder, because then you could use them to wear and then put them back and rotate them for a different look. Now I just need to hit the flea market and see I can find a little ladder.  What do you think of these ideas?  Anyone else collect vintage scarves?
images: 1 / 2


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE scarves!! They are just so beautiful and you can do so much with them. I love the idea of them on a ladder too. I tend to keep mine on bar hangers, so its easy to see as well! Although a ladder is far cooler LOL

  2. so cute! I have heaps of vintage scarves, and I do wear them....but now I'd like to frame them. Great post.
    Have a lovely day!

  3. That framed hankie project is just the thing for my front porch. Thank you so much for sharing.

    And yes, I have a ton of vintage scarves and I do wear a lot of them! : )

  4. i like the ladder idea - really pretty!

  5. Beautiful! I have also seen some really pretty vintage scarves used as pillow covers.

  6. What a beautiful idea! You MUST take photos when you get it done! You could almost create your own ladder by finding old wooden round sticks, or even new dow rods and then wrapping the cross pieces onto the end pieces with thick twine. Since it's just holding scarves it wouldn't have to hold much weight. You could even paint it a pretty aqua color or sunny yellow. A little modern mixed with your vintage finds.

  7. http://kayteterry.typepad.com/.a/6a00e54ecd94e58833010536a2dc31970c-pi

    another brilliant idea - save them up and then sew them together patchwork styley and create a room divide like emily chalmers work. Yes please!


  8. Love the vintage scarf displays! I totally agree with the ladder plan...it would be a great way to display your collection while still having it be very accessible :) You should showcase your collection in a post soon...I would love to see it :)

    xo Cat

  9. Adore scarves to wear and some are fabulous enough to frame! beautiful!

    Art by Karena

  10. I like the ladder idea just grab and go. I actually wear scarves pretty often and pins too.

    I saw an Hermes nautical scarf once it was so beautiful it belonged in a frame never ever to be worn.

  11. Oh I love them in the frames!!

  12. such a simple yet clever idea~luv it Christina!

  13. wow beaautiful decoration looks awesome

  14. I love these ideas especially the second, but I guess if you want to wear them the first idea is more practical.

  15. i love the idea of framing them but you're right that the ladder concept would allow you to swap them out and wear them more readily. lovely inspiration!

    p.s. i love the puppy portraits below as well — absolutely adorable!

  16. I love the idea, too. I have something similar to the last photo over my living room couch: we purchase two flags from Siena, Italy and framed them. The flags are the size of an extra large scarf and represent two of the contradas, or neighborhoods, that define the town. I love it because my husband and I each picked our favorite, and it reminds me of our trip.

  17. those look so pretty in the record frames too! but I think I love the little ladder best. :) That way you can rotate them, etc.!

  18. What great ideas! I love the ladder one best.

  19. oh my god fabulous decor! this answers the question of what to do with that beautiful scarf that you don't ever wear anymore - frame it!

  20. Wow!! I would have never thought to use them as decor like that!! They look gorgeous and interesting and very unique!! :)

  21. W

    why didn't i ever think to do this! i have many a scarf that rarely gets worn. and now i know what i can do with them! gah! this is brilliant!

  22. Very good idea!! ...and you're right - scarves are such a terrific way to cheer up an outfit or as a cute bit of decor - great great idea!

  23. Fantastic idea..love love love it x

  24. great idea about hanging them on the ladder...I need one of those, for sure! love the vintage scarves so much!!

  25. ha! lol
    I read House and Home this weekend (image 2) and I thought of you!!!
    the framed handkerchiefs reminded me of your plate walls!!
    I love the idea of framing them.

  26. I love the framed collage of scarves, though they are obviously less accessible if you do wear them often!

  27. Great ideas, the framed scarves are my favorite. Hope your week is off to a good start.

  28. know what i can do with them! gah! this is brilliant!
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  29. My grandma had a bunch of these and I always see them at my mom's. So cute.


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