Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Photography: Hazy Days

I can't tell you much I'm enjoying having a tumblr account. I really have no idea why I waited so long.  Here are some silvery/purple hazy photos I've collected over the past few days.  They're reflecting a certain something in my mood...

images: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4


  1. ooooooooh, i love the silvery hazy shots!

    and it is just AMAZING how many good images are on tumblr. they go on forever, or they do as long as you have a good internet connection.

  2. Hmm I've thought about starting a tumblr recently, but I *just* started a blog, so I always conclude I don't need yet another service.

    But seeing you ask yourself why you waited so long makes me want to reconsider! It does look like fun...

  3. Is posting to tumblr easier? I'm not sure I really "get" tumblr, although I see so many great inspiration photos. Just wondering how it's used vs your regular blog.

  4. i soooo need to get a tumblr account - i'm SO in the dark with these things -amazing finds!!!

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  5. Beautiful photos! I can't say which one I liked the most.
    Thanks for sharing them with us!
    have a lovely weekend,
    Li :-)

  6. I really like the look, feel and tone to these photos!

  7. More loveliness! Gorgeous selection!


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