Thursday, June 10, 2010

Interiors: Touches of Fuschia

I can never remember how to spell the word "fuschia"; I always have to look it up to make sure I'm getting it right.  A mix of purple and pink, fuchsia is not for the meek and apparently not for the spelling inept.  I like it in small spurts mixed with cool colors or against a neutral background.

Our bedroom is currently painted a similar baby blue as seen in that first room. When we were first "decorating" it, I suggested a pop of fuchsia but was vetoed by B (surprise, surprise) for green and white accents.  Oh well. Try again later.
Do you have any fuchsia in your home?  Tell me- I want to live  vicariously through you!

images: 1)scanned by me via House Beautiful June 10 2) via Paul Massey Photography 3) via Alistair Nicholls seen on desire to inspire


  1. Pink is so versatile. You don't have to have a bunch of it to make a statement.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  2. Sadly, no... my most girly-girl decorating ideas are usually vetoed by the boy too.

  3. SURE DO! - my hallways! - i dunno if it's fushia or megenta .. now that i think of it - but it's a deep dark bright pink .. yea it's fushia - i've been saying megenta for some reason - but def fushia .. I LOVE IT - but again, it's my "girlie pad" - don't have to share with any boys! .. haha

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  4. That headboard is divine! The fuchsia in my house is confined to my sewing space, for similar y-chromosome-d reasons. Btw - did you see the white owl necklace they featured in Lucky magazine this month? Congrats white owl!

  5. I'm currently redecorating my bedroom to charcoal grey and touches of hot pink. However, I'm afraid I am acquiring more than just touches, ha! There is way too much fun stuff out there and I'm learning that I have no discipline.

  6. flynn- i did see that in lucky! i was very excited for them.

  7. oh, I love that bathroom especially.

  8. The little fuschia touch everywhere in each room is lovely. I thought the bathroom looks very darling with it, with that teal!

  9. Oooh love the blue/fuschia combo. Now I want to redo my living room. :/

  10. I can't agree more! I have blue walls throughout our house and I love using fuchsia accents (usually peonies and other flowers)-- they really pop!

  11. pretty pictures! fuchsia would be an AWESOME color to have! sadly all my walls are boring white. i need to get around to painting ;) xo.

  12. ooh, very pretty! i love the fuchsia/blue combo in the first image!

  13. the same happens to me, I have to check how to spell it! love this color. I recently added some fuschia pillows to our living room (without asking anyone, too risky to ask darling, knowing you would get a no for answer!) I must confess the hub didn't even noticed them, only the boys complained! xo

  14. don't make me spell that word. i don't have any in my decor, but some in my closet. and some in the backyard. that color of flower is so vivid and vibrant -- it is just amazing!

  15. That sink is perfection! Now I want some fuschia! xxSAS


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