Thursday, June 17, 2010

Interiors: Grey Washed Wood

Grey wood lends itself to a worn, shabby chic feel, but I like it mixed with vintage and modern pieces giving the spaces below an eclectic feel.  The wood itself is obviously very versatile and looks great mixed with color as seen in the first couple of spaces or as part of an overall neutral palette as seen in the last few images.

Although there's something incredibly soothing about the grey and white tones of the the last two spaces, I find myself leaning towards the mix of grey wood + soft color.  Which do you prefer? 
images 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5


  1. i'm a huge fan of all things grey and i think grey washed wood gives it a more modern but relaxed feel than real wood color! lovely collection here!

  2. Love the chair in th first picture and I am wondering what the wall and ceiling are made out in the last pictures.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  3. LOVE the wood! - huge fan! - that one ceiling is beyond! - i love a ceiling to talk about!

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  4. I love all of these photos!

  5. I'm trying to find myself a lovely writing desk - and wish I could find something like in the second picture. Grey-washed-wood: it even sounds lovely. Sigh.

  6. Isn't this just the most divine look? I love it! And I love that workspace in the second picture and the gold chair in the first one. Great pieces!

  7. I am a big fan of gray in general and I love gray wood. I prefer softer colors in my home - they're soothing and relaxing.

  8. That's a perfect pairing!! LOVE it! xoxo

  9. There's something just so relaxed and weathered about light grey wood.
    We have this fantastic trestle base table at work with an aged grey barn board top and an industrial metal base, just beautiful!

  10. I actually like all of these and could easily live with any of them. I love those display shelved in the last pic and that coffee table could really give through many pizza nights!

  11. just my jam. me lovie, especially the picture with the wallpaper!

  12. I'm always a neutrals girl.

    Love the images you've found.

  13. I love the last picture.The room looks so peaceful and fresh!

    Have a fab day!


  14. i like the first and the last the best. grey can be too subtle for my tastes, so i like it best when there is some kind of color around it. but that is just me.

  15. that bedroom ceiling! shut up!

  16. I love this. Speaking of wood, I got those doilly thingies. Christina, you must get them. SO YOU!

  17. Love that first room, the shelf piled with books and all the crates underneath is just great! Have a lovely weekend!x

  18. Love all of these! Fantastic blog!

  19. What is it about grey? I'm totally in favour of all these. Especially that ceiling.

  20. That last space is unbelievable. I'd feel so fancy having a room like that.

  21. a bit of both perhaps? just grey and white in summer, soft colours in winter!


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