This gift guide is dedicated to all the four pawed (or three in some cases) furry friends that offer loyalty, "friendship", and unconditional love...
I own two rescue dogs that have simultaneously made me want to rip out my hair and say "awwwwww" all at the same time (who else is capable of eliciting such an emotion?). You can see their silly mugs here.
I thought in celebration of the doggie gift guide, I'd list all of the things my dogs have eaten that have either caused me to call Poison control (they know me by name) or visit the emergency vet.
- full toilet paper rollsI thought in celebration of the doggie gift guide, I'd list all of the things my dogs have eaten that have either caused me to call Poison control (they know me by name) or visit the emergency vet.
-endless amounts of underwear, crotch only (ewwwww)
-a lighter
-a bar of soap
-a WHOLE bottle of prescription pills
-a lb of raw brown rice (think big vet bill)
-running shoes, hence why I no longer run (wink, wink).
-endless dog beds
-a dead deer carcass, I got the rotting head as a gift (think medical bill for myself for a bout of hysteria)
-a dog training manual (I was extra peeved about this one).
May the gift giving begin!
Mr. Roboto dog duvet $20 - $40

via Molly Mutt
Ricky rhino $28

via Swigg
Silver initial Pet ID Tag-Pick any letter $16

via Make your dog smile
Ok, this one's more for me, but I deserve a gift for taking care of the dogs...right?
Chihuahua Fiber Wall Art- Made to order $12

via Modern Art Everday
Custom Dog Collar-Christmas Trees on Blue $19.95

via Fido's fashion collars
This was first blogged about here.
Buddy's Best Cake Mix and Frosting $5.99

via Puppy Cake
Dog Treats in a Retro Tin by Harry Barker $12

via Earth Doggy
So, I have to know. What is the strangest thing your dog/animal has ever eaten?
{Disclaimer: I'm not trying to leave out all of the cat loving individuals, but i know nothing about them, and they kind of scare me. Many of the shops above have cat gift options too!}
I was just thinking today what to get Bails!! She'd LOVEEEE those peanut butter dog biscuits!
What a great list! Tilghman is the one who eats the most stuff and thus any vet visit is preceded by- oh and how is Tilghman? List includes: socks, panties, soap, babaghanoush (sp?), entire stuffed octopus toy, wood duck carvings, Halloween candy bag ( and yes, I called poison control on that one and actually calculated the ounces of milk chocolate and compared it to his weight)... I'm sure there are more that we just haven't discovered yet. The girls both went through phases of eating books (hey, I raise literary furkids) but have fortunately grown out of it.
love the cute collar!
Um, you REALLY want to know the strangest thing that one of my pets has eaten? Sure you're ready for this grossness? A rolly-polly poodle named Commodore that we had while my sister and I were in high school used to like to get in the garbage around our "lady time". My dad loves to tell the story of how he saw a string hanging out of Commodore's hind end, pulled on it, and out popped a tampon. You're welcome. Oh, and the embarrassing story continues to be passed around by my best friend Jenn (a vet), who shares it with all of her clients.
I can't believe that your pups survived all of this! I'm now thinking that my two dogs are perfect angels. Since I've had my dogs (also rescue), neither has ever eaten anything grosser than cat poo. That I know of anyway...
Love these doggie finds, especially the puppy cake and the fiber art!!!
I LOVE the dog tag and collar!
The puppy cake mix is just the coolest thing since sliced bread. My little miniature Pinscher, Max, goes gaga over people food but his tiny tummy can't handle any of it. He will be in dog heaven if I put a whole, frosted cupcake into his dish! Thanks a million.
Small as he is (only 7 pounds, the scrappy little guy!), he has managed to run up some massive vet bills for his strange culinary tastes. The worst of which was Christmas before last, when he got violently ill (think Exorcist type scene!) and we had to make a midnight emergency vet visit. He wound up having to stay in their intensive care unit overnight, hooked up to fluids. It took several blood tests but we finally figured out he had been sampling the mushrooms from our apartment complex's yard, which had recently been doused, unknown to us, with GOPHER POISON!
Our lab eats paper. And my husband socks, but only his, no one else's. She loves beer, she has a nose for it. And she like to eat beer bottle caps. And when she goes outside, she has to bring a piece of nature inside with her. She will pull away from you until she finds one, and then she happily comes inside. She's a strange one, but we love her.
Love the initial tag! My dogs eat pig ears sometimes...eww!!
Very cute gift ideas. The only thing my cat ever drank that freaked me out was water that I was using when I was painting with watercolors. I screamed bloody murder when I say him lapping it up!
Oh, I love the initial dog tag! I wish I had a pet - all my friends with dogs are getting gifts from me this year, haha!
I love the Silver initial Pet ID Tag! ...hmmm now I need a puppy ;)
great list! the dogs got into my purse...bailey ate gum, the ingredient xyletol is super toxic to dogs...i had to drive an hour in the rain to the emergency room so they could both have their stomach's pumped and blood analyzed...sigh.
I LOVE the dog collar! So list is very similar to yours. In Tyke's short year of existance, he's consumed countless pairs of panties, toilet paper, the cardboard toilet paper roll, a tampon, Milk Duds (he climbed onto a table during Halloween and ate several boxes of Milk Duds), every soft plush toy he's ever had, countless bones that are specifically made for the "aggressive chewer", the rope off a rope toy and the fibers on the outside of tennis balls. I think I could go on and on, but I'll leave it at that! Thanks for the gift guide!
This post made me smile. I love the puppy cake mix and collars!
We have two labs - one rescue, one full-bred. They both have a thing for socks & underwear. Also, plastic hangers and rocks. Favorite story is of our oldest lab running down the hallway with a pair of my very-proper MIL's undies in her mouth. :)
My woofy-babies are thanking you right now...I'm spoiling them with gifts, feeling gulity cos I've been neglecting them from all my travels lately...
I love my cats with all my heart, but they just don't get excited about STUFF the way dogs do! One day we will live in a building that allows dogs, and I will go hog wild shopping for them. love the retro looking cans of doggie biscuits!
I want to get a dog so so so bad! :(
What fun!! I think I need one of those adorable initials for my dog.
I need a dog just for that chic dog tag!
Oh my dogs are very excited I just read your post! So agree about cats.
Puppy cake!! So cute!
I want one but our apt won't let us have one :(
Deer carcass? Seriously? Little monsters...
Javier's been on a roll lately too - latest conquest? A whole palm tree - shredded to bits and littered throughout the entire apartment...
He must have 'lump of coal' aspirations...
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