I work in an office without windows so you can imagine how much I crave natural lighting throughout the day. Sometimes, it's down right painful not to be able to see the sun for 9 hours. I'm needing lots of light this Monday and Mark Lund is just the photographer to provide.

{all photos via Mark Lund}
I hope this week is filled with plenty of light, for you and me both. Happy Monday!
Such beautiful photographs of inspirational rooms...love them all!
Ooh pretty pretty!
Love the wallpaper in last photo and the dining room with the various vases :)
these are so beautiful!
That has got to be hard. I just moved my desk over to the window and I am liking it a lot better. A world of difference. Beautiful light filled spaces!
let there be light! these shots are amazing. i am one of those people that could stare out the window all day long at work. if only they would let me!
p.s. alexander skarsgard kind of looks like he is on drugs with those red-rimmed eyes. his eyes are somewhat reminiscent of a white rabbit with red eyes. humph.
No windows where you work? that must be painful!
The photos you've chosen are truly inspiring, I love them all :)
Nice. I'm in a dark hole right now, too, and with the time change will be going home to DARKNESS. Thanks for the inspiration.
What a beautiful collection of photos - I love your blog and thanks for responding to my post on the Etsy Forums!
Ooh, that 2nd picture is just downright lovely. I hope your Monday is treating you right, lady!
Oh, you poor thing! I have decided that the one thing about having a window is that it makes me just want to be outside more and at my desk less--but I think it is a better predicament than not having one at all! His photos are some of my favorite and such stunning light.
he is one of my favorite photographers! Always a pleasure to look at his light filled work!
Sweetie, you must take a break and go outside at least once a day and get that sunshine, one needs a good dose of vitamin D.
what a collection of perfectly light, cozy rooms. i love the floor in the 3rd photo & the bed in the 2nd looks soooo fluffy.
Such a pretty grouping! Especially loving that little chandelier over the side table.
Gorgeous pictures! Thank goodness for the internets so you can look at pretty pictures to help brighten your day!
love this. whenever i'm having the worst day, something as simple as opening up my blinds makes my day so much better (i would say brighter but that's so har-har)
So pretty - especially the last one with the bluey coloured wallpaper with the gold detail - swoon! I know what you mean about light - fresh air's good too!
You have such exquisite taste (like me , tee-hee). Seriously though, every one of these spaces is so beautiful and inviting. Lund really has an eye for capturing the light.
Yes! I am a fan of spaces decorated in white with lots of light... (how can you survive your office girl! you must love your job or get paid a fortune ;O))
4th, 5th and 6th....calling my name ;)
These are just the inspiration I need as the dark clouds roll in!
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