Being a creature of habit, perhaps to a fault, I have a pretty strict morning routine. This morning, however, I noticed something which brought about this post. Bella and Kya (my lovingly montrous dogs) are crated, so every morning before I rush out the door I give them a treat and coerce them into their crates. They go willingly (mostly) because they get a treat almost every time. So, I got out two plain dog biscuits and offered one to Kya (or Fluff, yes my dogs have pet names). Kya cautiously sniffed around the treat with her wet black nose...sniff, sniff...and I thought to myself and probably said aloud, "what, you don't trust me, I give you the same treat every single day."
Then I thought, huh, as much as I hate to compare myself to my dog, isn't it like me to sniff around whenever someone offers me a kind word, a bit of encouragement, or even a gift? Aren't I always second guessing people's kindness, wondering what the ulterior motive might be? Then I thought, part of being a graceful person is being open to receive goodness. Part of being a person of gratitude is to acknowledge those nice thoughts, words, and offerings with a thank you. So I'm back, to thank more kind bloggers for mentioning the shop, whether it be a full post, or a simple mention, I appreciate your kindness.
Homemade Grits

A Perfect Peach
My Teacups in Peony

Red Otter

From the Right Bank to the Left Coast

Grayson: A Different Shade of Grey
Bailey, Meister & Co. Through the Looking Glass

Click Clack

While We're Waiting


Sweetie Pie Pumpkin Noodle

Blog Goggles

{If you've written about something from the shop, please let me know so I can thank you properly!}
Now for the winner of the Pixel Wild Child Giveaway according to is...
#17! That would be the lovely Erin from House of Turquoise!
Huge THANK YOU to Pixel Wild Child for your generous giveaway. Please make sure to visit her...
...for all the newest on her amazing prints!
Homemade Grits

A Perfect Peach
My Teacups in Peony

Red Otter

From the Right Bank to the Left Coast

Grayson: A Different Shade of Grey
Bailey, Meister & Co. Through the Looking Glass

Click Clack

While We're Waiting


Sweetie Pie Pumpkin Noodle

Blog Goggles

{If you've written about something from the shop, please let me know so I can thank you properly!}
Now for the winner of the Pixel Wild Child Giveaway according to is...
#17! That would be the lovely Erin from House of Turquoise!
Huge THANK YOU to Pixel Wild Child for your generous giveaway. Please make sure to visit her...
...for all the newest on her amazing prints!
Congratulations Erin for winning the Giveaway! :O)
I would love to warmly thank all the people that participated in this giveaway and wrote all those encouraging comments and all that (Very!)useful feedback about my work. I also had the chance to meet some very nice people and blogs! ;O)
A big "Thank you" goes to Christina, of course, for the opportunity she gave me and her kindness.
Love, love,loveeeee!
Kristie (Pixel Wild Child)
Congrats Erin... you lucky gal you!! And you are so sweet to thank everyone for their kind mentions :) Your story about the pups made me smile!
Congrats to Erin! Lucky.
Christina, you are such a sweetie. Off to check out a few of these blogs I haven't visited yet...
Congrats to the winner! This blogsphere is full of lovely & supportive people, Cheers to that!!
Christina - you are lovely!
Your story struck home - and thank you for that!
;) Hope you're off to a wonderful day!
Oh my gosh, I won?! I won!! I'm so excited!!! Kristie's work is amazing!
I was always told when you give something in return, you don't ever expect something back. I totally agree with you, when I offer people something, they think I'm crazy or think I want something. I'm so happy to know genuine, cool people like you!!
I am so happy to have the ability to help you in any way. You are so sweet and I am thankful to have "met" doesn't hurt that I love every item in your shop!! :)
Congratulations to Erin and an amazing way to say thanks Christina... I love the way you express yourself. I'm off to browse some of these new to me people now!
Congrats Erin...and thank you for the thank you :) you're awesome!!
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