I have been anxiously awaiting this giveaway (and this three day weekend) for some time now.
Allow me to introduce Pixel Wild Child and her fantastic giveaway. Kristie describes herself as a "Spanish girl living in Greece...every product in my shop reflects my personal (and sometimes crazy!) views about beauty, life, human behaviour, humour, love..."
When I look at these pieces, I see a talented artist who is attempting to express so much more than personal emotion. These pieces resonate with me because I am a female of this "X" generation, because as a female I have dealt with and continue to deal with issues of self esteem, sexuality, social and gender expectations, and because when I look at Kristie's pieces I see a little bit of myself.
Here are my faves...
Girls and Curiosity

Our Generation

My Eyes

Gipsy woman

Pixel Wild Child is offering to one lucky Down and Out Chic reader, a choice of ANY print in her shop! I had a hard enough time trying to narrow my favorites down to four pieces, good luck choosing one! How to enter? Since it's labor day weekend, I'll make this super easy.
**Leave a RELEVANT comment about Pixel Wild Child's work after visiting her shop. Is there any piece that resonates with you more so than the others? What do you think of her work?
Any comments that aren't thoughtful or relevant will discarded. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to e-mail me.
(Saying, "this is cute" is not what I mean by thoughtful. )
Pixel Wild Child- **Shop
Good luck and Happy looooong weekend!
{p.s. the fiona brooch is now back in the shop, some of you had asked about it...}
Allow me to introduce Pixel Wild Child and her fantastic giveaway. Kristie describes herself as a "Spanish girl living in Greece...every product in my shop reflects my personal (and sometimes crazy!) views about beauty, life, human behaviour, humour, love..."
When I look at these pieces, I see a talented artist who is attempting to express so much more than personal emotion. These pieces resonate with me because I am a female of this "X" generation, because as a female I have dealt with and continue to deal with issues of self esteem, sexuality, social and gender expectations, and because when I look at Kristie's pieces I see a little bit of myself.
Here are my faves...
Girls and Curiosity

Our Generation

My Eyes

Gipsy woman

Pixel Wild Child is offering to one lucky Down and Out Chic reader, a choice of ANY print in her shop! I had a hard enough time trying to narrow my favorites down to four pieces, good luck choosing one! How to enter? Since it's labor day weekend, I'll make this super easy.
**Leave a RELEVANT comment about Pixel Wild Child's work after visiting her shop. Is there any piece that resonates with you more so than the others? What do you think of her work?
Any comments that aren't thoughtful or relevant will discarded. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to e-mail me.
(Saying, "this is cute" is not what I mean by thoughtful. )
Pixel Wild Child- **Shop
Good luck and Happy looooong weekend!
{p.s. the fiona brooch is now back in the shop, some of you had asked about it...}
What a fantastic giveaway! I love the "Our Generation" 8x10 print. My very best friend in the whole world is all of those things - "young, single, pretty, overqualified, underpaid"...I would love to gift her with this to remind her how beautiful and awesome she is! I love these prints - they are fun & powerful at the same time!
I love that Red Head print; as a redhead myself, I certainly do know what they say about us . . . and it's all true;) Seriously, though, I really adore her style; the mod '70's kitchy feeling is pretty fabulous.
I like the 'Love is Controversial' because it is innocent and profound and it is so true. I remember the day when love stopped being a game and a childhood lark - and started to hurt and embody and feel all encompassing. And this pic makes me remember all that...
My favorite would be the "red head"...I'm a redhead, but I've also been blond, brunette, and a variety of other colors. I find it interesting how people tend to relate to a person based on their hair color. I've just about experienced it all except for black...I'm just too pale for black hair & I've never been "goth" LOL.
I think her work is amazing, it's fun, colorful, playful & also has a message. To me that is great art!
I am so excited about my first giveaway and the chance of hosting it in this fantastic blog! Thank you all for the beautiful comments and you, Christina... wow... I am so moved by he way you described my work and that you see a bit of yourself on the illustrations, it is a fabulous compliment for me and I really appreciate it!
Good luck to the participants!!! ;O)
Love, Love, Loveeee,
Krsitie (Pixel Wild Child)
i like to think i'm a bit of a warrior....apparently it's not always a good thing :D
the gypsie print is adorable! she's very talented :)
i think her work reflect our generation to perfection through its beauty and complexity.we are strong & independant but also beautiful, feminine and fragile, free to express our differences and show our weakness and craziness. i love Smile and Our generation.
have a great weekend.xxx
what a lovely weekend giveaway!!
i absolutely LOVE her illustration: "Our Generation" -- i love the words she chooses to describe us, they are right on. and i esp. love the GREEN dress, green is my favorite ;)
thanks for the chance!
xo. danni
I like the Big Step print. Lately I've been scared of putting myself out there, and this it just the advise that I need to follow. Taking big steps can be scary, but they also can be so very rewarding!
Great style, great messages...happy long weekend!
these soooo made me giggle!! I love the "enjoy your contradictions" print. I think I know a few people who need that as a present. "insert evil grin here"
WOW! Christina! these are so beautiful. Thank you so much for always having such thoughtful giveaways on your blog by amazing artists. This is so beautiful and so creative and I love these. I liked so many, actually all of them, however 'Big Step' really resonates with me and I need to remember that more often. Thank you so much. I also like 'High Heels' a lot as well. :)
I hope you have a great long weekend.
My favorite is the one about the red-head! My mom's a red head and she would love this print!! Her paintings are so different from the other Etsy sellers (not including Sam, of course!)
3 Day weekend, woohoo!!
Wow! What lovely art. :) And what a wonderful giveway. My favorite is the "My Eyes" print because I feel it especially speaks to me. I'm a very visual person and definitely a daydreamer. When I close my eyes, I often get lost in what I see: fun diy projects to do, characters and settings I'm writing a novel about, beautiful architecture and interiors. Plus: I just adore the shades of blue and green used in the print. :)
wow, I absoluetly love these pieces!!! they are beautiful, thought provoking, and the slightest bit disturbing which I love. ...added the shop to my fav's!
I adore the colors in all the prints!!! Pretty much all of prints match my decor. I think I love Doll Doll and My Eyes best though...love the turquoise!
The colours are so vibrant and the tones and textures make the illustrations prefect. I love the subjects - really bold and impressive.
Those are AmAzInG!!! Luv how there are inspiring words among some. Have a wonderful weekend.
Love them all but the one that I'm drawn to right off the bat is Belle Epoque. Although I wouldn't turn down any of them! :) So colorful!
These strongly resonate with me as well. I feel really connected to all of these and I really love that she expresses her opinions through beautiful art. Something I could hang up in my home. There is a lot of art there that makes a statement but not that attractive so I really love that there is both in her work. I have to say my favorite is the one with the green dress. That is so me if you just took out the single. :) Thanks for sharing her beautiful work with us!
Just when I think you've had the best giveaway ever... you go and outdo your last one! Her work is amazing. I have always loved Curly Girl, because it is feminine and inspiring and all of these pieces are in that genre. I adore having things on my walls that inspire me to dream, to go out and change the world, to be powerful and pretty and girly and all at once. I actually love the "Little Girls" piece you have posted here.
(Non-giveaway related... make sure to stop by my blog when you have a moment... I left something on my post for you today!)
Ooo la la!!! Love them. I would have to say that my favorite is the Gypsy Woman. I was baby louise (gypsy) in the musical when I was younger and it's still one of my all time favorites!!! Ah...this would win my heart!
Her work is amazing...so interesting and unique. I love the Lady Rose print, because I love the different textures. I also really identify with Our Generation...yay for being optimistic!
i love "our generation" print!
it feels like the major agrees also =]
I love Timeless Beauty - so retro chic!! Wow! She's awesome Chistina!!
"Our Generation" reminds me of my friend right now, and me a year ago. Her birthday is coming up soon and this would be a great reminder for her that she's great the way she is.
I love her work Christina, 'Girls and Curiosity' is very much a favorite... this would've been perfect for my Librarian post! Also, the colors are gorgeous (would look so good on my wall!). Aso really like that the girl in the illustration is 'healthy' looking, not skinny - with chubby knees (like me!!!). Tambien, deeply admired her Father's Day card... if I had a better relationship with my dad I'd definitely want that one framed too :)
PS. I love your definition of 'Relevant Comment'... so biting that next time I have a giveaway!
Fabulous illustrations ~ love her use of color!
I love her work, and she is such a sweet person too! My favorite is the 'Girls and Curiosity' Print, just look at those knee socks! Who could resist to them!
Wow... "Love is Controversial" is so deep and relevant in my life. As my parents are currently going through a divorce, I'm watching how my youngest sister is being affected. This print pretty much sums it all up; I'm very touched.
Keep up the beautiful work!
they're all just lovely prints... but I'm also glad to have found this blog!
These are very cute....Have a wonderful weekend, xv.
The prints are absolutely lovely and gosh, how very talented! A Big Step is my favorite because it is very inspiring and motivating. It would be nice to wake up every morning be reminded of this.
I like Rebellious at Heart because it's me to the core. If it was hanging in my art studio it would remind me to always just be me -- fiercely and apologetically.
Oh ahahahaha! I love how you put your foot down about the comments being relevant. Now I'm scared mine won't come up to par because I really would like to win this.
The second one of your picks resonates the most with me. It speaks to me about a generation with so many choices and yet no discernible way of knowing how to make the right choice and stick by it. In a way, this generation has so much and yet, has so little.
I love her style.... it's so real and ironic!!
In particular i love "our generation", "my eyes" and "guess what".
the first time i saw "guess what" i had a flash...it remember me Dante gabriel Rossetti and his pictures of girls with red hair...
Nice giveaway thanks
I adore the Retro Circles Glamour print. I would love to have it to add to my art collection I keep at school. My high school students would be inspired by her work I know.
wow, it is hard to choose isn't it? What a great giveaway! I'm going to go with
the Belle Epoque - 8 x 10 Art Print, I love it!
I love the Smile print, its such a nice positive message, I would love to have it hanging in my bathroom to remind me how to live each day. :) Smiling.
It is so hard to choose... but the "fashion crimes" or "high heels" print are tied for first for me!
I absolutely love two- is that allowed? "just Dream" and "Don't be afraid to take the next big step" My daughter is 11 and about to go on a school trip to Korea. She is feeling very very nervous and The next big step is just the right thing to inspire her.
Just dream gives her permission to dream about her future, and reach for her dreams!
"Little Girls Have Big Curiosity" struck a chord with me. Growing up on a remote island in southeast alaska, I used to sit at the sea shore and dream of what my grown-up life could be. Now that I'm 31, I know that that little girls dreams weren't just fantasy. :)
I decided to first just look at the prints and see what I liked, then read them if they had words. Suprisingly, the one I like the best, Say it Loud Marilyn - 8 x 10 Art Print - Girl Woman illustration, is not one that initially caught my eye. I think something very similar to this when times are tough. "I don't need to be rich; I just want my life and my families life to be wonderful" That is a shorthand version of how I try to live. I wonder if somewhere along the line, I've seen this quote from Marilyn Monroe?? Anyway, we all define wonderful as something different and that in and of itself is wonderful ;)
I'm not sure how I missed this giveaway, but I'm glad you post it on the sidebar as a reminder! I love Pixel Wild Child - not just for her incredible name, but she has such amazing talent when it comes to capturing the essence of female power!
My favorites are: Dream Big (of course!), and Little Girls Have Big Curiosity (because I want my sweet Gaia Miette to have this in her room and to always ask why?)!
The Our Generation print is far and away my favorite - I don't want to put this on my wall, I want to put it on my forehead. It's 6 colors and 6 words that capture the 20s experience (and makes a point: we survive this era by wearing cute shoes). My only concern? If I had this print I'd have to fight my friends for it.
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