Sometimes the negative space is as important, or more important than the subject itself. Sometimes it's the things we don't do, rather than the things we do, that make a difference.
Sometimes the best action is no action at all. Isn't that what Sunday's are for?

Source: @Maco's Flickr Polaroid set
I'm off this Sunday and due to my hectic schedule, any time off leaves me with the anxiety ridden questions of what to do (or not do). I think for now, I'll not do...
What do you do when the chaos stops?
Sometimes the best action is no action at all. Isn't that what Sunday's are for?

I'm off this Sunday and due to my hectic schedule, any time off leaves me with the anxiety ridden questions of what to do (or not do). I think for now, I'll not do...
What do you do when the chaos stops?
I love your post on negative space .... It is just as important as the object itself...
Lovely Sunday to you ~~
It is hard, isn't it? When everything stops and you realize you have a little time to's hard to slow down when you've been going for a while. But like you say, negative space is as important (and beautiful through these photograps) as the subject - so whatever you do today, enjoy it!
love those images...
Love your blog...imma have to stalk you!
Pretty pictures.
I took today to catalog all of my books, clean out my closet and my "under the bed" container, recycle old magazines, whew... and it's only 10:00 AM... now we're off to the lake to spend time with family... I love sundays :)
These flowers seemed to be smiling at me Christina! ;)
i tend to also not know how to cope with free time and become utterly worthless and on sundays sometimes even fail to leave the house... sorry i put that into words; makes me sound so very pathetic! ;) actually, this sunday i have a bridal shower to attend. hope your day is wonderful, as i'm sure it will be.
Negative space is SUCH a great thing! Pretty post, definitely a nice Sunday post!
Wow I love these photos! Especially the last two. And I completely agree - the negative space is very important! It can make or break a piece of art.
When the chaos stops...hmm...well, I don't have much chaos in the summer. But during the school year whenever I find myself with some free time I usually either chill with friends, read, sketch or browse hte blogosphere. =)
Have a wonderful lazy Sunday!
Very pretty images! During the two weeks my children were on holiday I almost forget what is chaos like. But they returned and it is a neverending, happy chaos again!
Gorgeous post! I never get tired of pictures of flowers!
Thanks for the sweet comment on my guest blog post on the English Muse too! Young talent is amazing, sort of somewhat upsetting, though because it makes me feel like I should have done something when I was younger.
Oh my goodness, I love the third picture from the top. Love!!! That blue is sparkling!
oooooooooooooh, negative space is so important in art. and in life. love it!
and i hope you are enjoying your day off. i'd recommend margaratas, chips and salsa at some point in the day, but that is just me. :)
Amazing pictures!!
you deserve all the time in the world. you do so much.
i guess i realized the chaos will never stop, it's all about balance. when that happens, i'll share the formula, until then, glad to know i'm not the only one with the spinning head
Lovely photographs and I know just what you mean Christina... on my days off I'm left with 101 things I want and need to do and often I get all scatterbrained and I end up not doing anything. I have to talk myself down into focusing on one or two important things. But despite the crazy feeling I do love my weekends... how awesome it must be to not have to work! :D
I am always telling my students to use white space with their writing... emails, resumes, etc...
we need yin and yang!!!!
Oh my, what beautiful photography!!!
Great photos. I hope you are doing well. Take care. Have a good week ahead.
Beautiful polaroids! I understand what you mean. Occasionally I find a have day that I don't have to be anywhere or do anything and I just don't know what to do with myself. I feel guilty for it somehow. Strange, I know.
great text and pictures.
how about looking back and giving yourself a pat on the shoulder for having survived the chaos? and then, yes - do nothing :)
those are beautiful!
i catch up on tivo
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