I came home to this small surprise yesterday- a sweet trio of lovely flowers made by an even sweeter B.

I remember him picking me up on our first date and shakily handing me a red paper tulip.

I loved him before that day but when I saw that flower I knew I would never be the same. How many men make origami flowers for women they barely know?

That was the first and last paper flower I received...until yesterday.

If you think these are good, you should hear B sing...
Awww! What a sweetie! I think he's a keeper!! :)
Do you still have the red tulip? That is about the sweetest thing I've heard - he's definitely a keeper!
oooooooh! you have yourself one sweet and special dude. :)
oh my gosh, how cute are these!!!!
B stands for the BEST!
yes he is a keeper!!
Sigh. Love it!
This is the cutest gesture of love I have ever seen! What a sweetheart! You don't find many men in this world like that. Sign.
lovely, simply lovely. :)
*sigh* adorable!
Just adorable. You're a lucky woman!
seriously. ok. this is like the perfect example of what men should do for us. B should write a book. Men should read it. No. Wait. I take that back. B needs to go on ESPN and talk about what to do....thats how to get other men to see this...they wont read it in a book lol. awwww I am so happy, I am seriously smiling here. great job B! {I am really happy for you, you have yourself a sweet sweet man!}
awesome origami!
That's so sweet. He's a keeper for sure. You're one lucky girl!
What a nice thing to come to... he sounds wonderful. You're very lucky!
aaaaahhhhh!!! thats so lovely .... you love him !
oh.my.gosh. so thoughtful.
B is so sweet! I just love a crafty man (especially one who can also cook!)
Amazingly sweet! I can't even make a crane, so can just imagine how hard a tulip must be... singing is good too. :)
That is so sweet. I mean, really, so, so great. What a doll.
Seriously? He sings too! I've already told you he's the perfect BF, right? So, what's after perfect?
so so sweet. aww :) haha i cant get over that. i wish i could hear him sing!
Yup, that cements it. You are one lucky chick.
How completely sweet!!
Oh he is a total sweetie pie! And not only was the gesture thoughtful, but those look great! Happy day.
he needs to share this wisdom with other boys - the courting should continue even *after* you get the girl. nice job him :)
those are too cute!
what a sweetie you snagged ;)
Adorable!! You guys seem so sweet and in love.. that makes me so happy!
You guys are both a-dor-a-ble.
Hey, I have given you a blog award that you don't have yet! (Ha ha. You can add it to your award gallery.) And a follower award, too. So, technically, you can add it twice.
wow, b is the sweetest!
WoWWW that's so sweet of him!
wow that is too cute, definately a keeper.
omg, these are the most beautiful flowers... i love them!!! how lucky are you, girl! and if he can sing better than he can make paper flowers, he must be one heck of a singer. this guy is a keeper!!! xoxo
AWwww!!!! You are one lucky gal!
That is so sweet!
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