Remember that post sometime ago where I mentioned that B and I joined a gym? We did this mostly so he could play racket ball and I could get back into the one physical activity I really enjoy (pilates if you're curious.) Well, instead of focusing on my flexibility so I could one day be cool like this girl...
...I decided to "jog" on the treadmill. Actually, I was wanting an elliptical machine, but the Y was bumping that day so I opted for the next best thing. (Have you notices that men are increasingly taking up the elliptical machines? Does anyone else find this strange?) Anyway, 30 minutes later...heck yeah I made it 30 whole minutes...I realized that my foot was sore. Well, everything was sore, so I ignored this pain for about 5 days until finally, on Friday, I couldn't take it anymore.
To make a long story short, I have some type of injury (ligament blah blah blah) and now I have a set of these...

via Active
Except they're not that cool at all. I'm showing you these to let you know there are colorful, stylish options available.
There are even crutches with polka dots on them...who knew?!
via LemonAid Crutches
I wish I could tell you I look like this on my crutches, composed, put together, even matching. Oh Jessica, why must you put us all to shame?
But alas, I look more like this. My armpits are sore, my palms are sore, and I kind of think it would hurt less just to walk on my stupid foot. (I think this girl is sad b/c her last meal was ummm, two weeks ago).
WHAT DOES THIS EVEN MEAN? Listen, I'm going to shoot it to you straight. My butt will not be doing any more running unless I'm running from someone. Period.
via We Heart it
I'm going to rephrase this ingenious quote to say, "Running is the only way to quickly hurt your foot and get yourself a pair of snazzy crutches, so do yourself a favor and stay on the couch."
Ahhhh, I feel better now. Thanks for reading this far and I promise to be far less grumpy on my next post. Anyone have any crutch tips for me?
To make a long story short, I have some type of injury (ligament blah blah blah) and now I have a set of these...

via Active
Except they're not that cool at all. I'm showing you these to let you know there are colorful, stylish options available.
There are even crutches with polka dots on them...who knew?!

I wish I could tell you I look like this on my crutches, composed, put together, even matching. Oh Jessica, why must you put us all to shame?

I'm going to rephrase this ingenious quote to say, "Running is the only way to quickly hurt your foot and get yourself a pair of snazzy crutches, so do yourself a favor and stay on the couch."
Ahhhh, I feel better now. Thanks for reading this far and I promise to be far less grumpy on my next post. Anyone have any crutch tips for me?
Oh no! You poor thing... I don't run except to save my life either. I prefer pilates, but if there isn't a class going on I'll just walk really fast on the treadmill! I hurt my elbow this week (doing something really clutzy) and haven't been able to do pilates in over a week! Good luck with the crutches!
no one in my family has ever broken/torn anything so no advice really...but I know alot of people wrap the armpit rests with something soft...
oh oh and for the sore hands...MANICURE!!!!
Very sorry. I hate crutches but yes, those cuties in colors would help ease the pain a wee bit. I use to fit crutches years ago & you likely know this but always would remind folk to put their weight on the grips & not your arm pits. Make sure the grips come level with your wrists when standing at ease with your arms draped at your side. I just started the gym & am waiting to do tweek or snap something! The photo of that girl is unreal. Yeowzer!
Quick healing to you!
You poor thing!
Running is not all that it's cracked up to be...
Walking is just fine for me!
Feel better :)
xo Laura
oh this suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks!!! crutches are bogus!!! horrible! that armpit paint is unbearable!!!
i sprained my ankle weeks ago, and opted to gimp around rather than go see a doctor. it is getting better -- sort of. but still hurts after 5 stupid weeks. bah.
but this wasn't supposed to be about me!
i hope it heals quickly and that you are back on your feet again soon. in the meantime, maybe get a bell so you can ring for people to get you stuff. that might be a tiny bit fun, particularly if they comply! ;)
hang in there. running blows. and injuries from working out are just not fair!
Awwww. That stinks. I hope you are feeling better soon. xoxo g.
So sorry to hear you got hurt. You will get though it. Rest plenty, when you do have to hop around on crutches think of it as extra exercise, you will work out your shoulders and other muscles you didn't even know you had. Get better soon
oh poor you! hope you foot gets sorted quickly
Oooooh bummer! Don't you hate it when you're making an effort to do something good for yourself and it bites you in the ass? Damn you universe, damn you!
And I agree. Seeing all the men on the ellipticals is unnerving. I gym every weekday morning before work and the numbers have been slowly increasing. Stair steppers too.
I'll bet you are just as cute as Jess Alba on those crutches, just too modest to say so. I remember how sore my arms were when I had some- I am sorry!
Hope you are better soon, I think this explains why lots more men are on the elliptical. I know my dad started because running was too jarring on his back! You'll be at Pilates in no time!
So sorry to hear about your foot! no fun... but knowing you and your mad DIY skills, surely you could convert your frumpy crutches into something awesome...
I'm with you... I stick mainly to pilates...
oh no! that is not good!!!
crutches do suck. I had to be on the once for 6 months. not fun, sore everything.
and there is no way to get around that, no extra cushioning, padding or anything. your armpits and hands (wrists) will hurt the whole time. SORRY.
I do have two questions for you??
How old are your shoes? you should only run/walk in shoes up to about 400 miles......the cushion and support wear out and you are not getting the proper support.
do they fit your foot for the way you walk/run? ( pronate to the outside of your shoe or inside, or not at all)
look at your every day shoes, do your heals wear out on the inside, outside or not at all this will tell you.
This type of support is really important, because you can get strain on your feet, ankles and knees to cause serious injury.
sorry this is so long. can you tell I am a runner!
hope you heal fast.
OH NO!! ...try to use your arm and ab muscles more instead of leaning on the crutches will give you a little work out of it's own.
That first shot is KILLING ME!
Poor baby! Hope it heals quickly!
Running is a very bad habit that shouldn't be maintained - this is my philosophy! I'll walk, do yoga, and swim, but NEVER run! :)
Uhhhh sweetie i'm sorry! I HATE crutches. Had them about 12 years ago when i fractured my ankle...damn beam :( The only tip i could pass along is: wrap a towel on each top handle so it's a little easier on your pits. Hope this helps...wouldn't want to rub them raw.
I am most sure you look just as cute as Jessica. Yeah, not crazy about that running thing. I much rather be playing soccer or volleyball. Hope you feel better soon!
I've been on crutches a million times, sadly. Set them for an inch shorter than what you actually are. This will take pressure off of your armpits and make your arms do more of the work. The plus side is, when you're all through with this, your arms will be really scultped!!
I didn't know they made cute designer crutches! Running can definitely be hard on the joints; at least you have an excuse to be lazy for a little while! There is nothing wrong with low-impact exercise. I'm not sure what it is about men on the ellipitcal, it does seem kind of odd. That always struck me as a more girly exercise machine.
Eek! Sorry to hear about your foot. Love the polka dot crutches. Speedy recovery!
I hope you´ll feel better soon. But I must admit that this was not the post I needed to read right now - I have planned to start running tomorrow. I have found a program, where I can start from zero, and trust me that is really what I need - zero. I´ll let you know how it works out :)
So sorry to hear about your foot, and hope time fly's by fast to get you going again.
I cannot believe that photo of that girl and her flexibility WOW! I am far off. lol.
I'm so sorry to hear the news. I hope you will get better soon.
I wish I would have known about these cool crutches when I had mine! I just got off a couple months ago after having to use the for 4 and 1/2 months after I broke my femur.
Sorry that you have to use them, hope you get well soon!
Oh, Christina--I am so sorry! I hope you heal fast and I am sorry that I don't have any crutch tips.
Can you get a walking cast?
I had some crutches because of my foot surgery. The boring silver ones. I wish I had had the ones that Jessica did. Or even some cool colorful ones.
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crutches really need to come with a warning sign: WARNING: ugly and will cause pain {ugly because...I have NEVER seen cool crutches like the ones on here!! hmmmmm why are they hiding those?!!} I am so sorry about your foot! How terrible....the worse part is that it was hurt trying to do a good thing...ugh I hate injuries. ummm how is that girl in that first picture THAT flexible WOW!! ummm and you're right the other girl is sad from not having eaten in 'ummmm two weeks' :-(
I hope your foot is getting a bit better, and that you had a nice weekend.....of B taking care of you!!
i just realized today that i can bring mine up all the way straight....and thats it..
LOL I am enjoying grumpy....xv
Ooh la la! I know how that feels having snapped a shin tendon from too much enthusiastic walking! Lady - it makes you appreciate simple walking doesn't it? It will heal and get better but my thoughts are with you in the meantime because it can be sooo dang frustrating!! XXXX
oh no you poor thing!! I hope it doesn't hurt too much--crutches can be such a pain :-( Get better soon, doll!
Aww... so sorry hon! Just take some nice tv time :)
Oh no!!! I'm just catching up!! I hope you feel better soon!!! Running is stupid!
I hope you are feeling better!!!!
Oh no!! Hopefully life can slow down a bit, for you to heal properly. Feel better soon and hey - create a DIY crutches project to spruce it up a bit more to your style. ;) Feel better!
So sad! The treadmill hurts my knees, so I definitely stick to the elliptical.
And that photo of the gymnast is insane. Freaky...
Oh bummer, hope you heal up soon and take it easy on that tread mill sweetie!
that first photo made me cringe!
If your armpits are really in PAIN then chances are you are leaning on them too much; try tucking between your arm and side more. While they are not at all fun, one benefit is that you will get great arms!
I can totally sympathize; I decided this winter that it would be a great idea to play basketball again after 7 years, and in my first game I tore my ACL....stick with what you know!
I'm so sorry! I hope you recover soon. I've always hated running and now there's even more reason to hate it.
when I was little, I always wanted are going to gain some super upper body strength!
hope you feel better soon!!!
oh my word. this is terrible! the iron of it all, too! everytime i would go to my old gym, this would happen! whatever the cause is, i hope you heel up and stick to pilates! haha :)
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