I'm going to describe this morning's trip to the flea market with a series of words:
Needless to say, it was awesome. Here's what we bought:
This pastel drawing was too sweet to pass up. I'm going to repaint the frame. Priced at $4.
This is a simple lamp with a lot of potential. The base is already a nice sea foam color and I think I'm going to cover the shade in fabric (and maybe resell it?). Priced at $2.
These are very old post cards with images from around Georgia. We bought three with historic homes in Athens and one of the old State Penitentiary. I'm going to frame them in a group.
These were the most expensive things we bought, but B loved them and who am I to argue? 4 for $10.
You're dangerously close to being able to see my undies...Anyway, this mirror is going to be converted to a chalkboard. You'll be seeing it again, I'm sure. This baby sold for $3.
A small (orange!) rug for our bathroom, priced at $4.
I am most excited about this chair because I'm going to repaint the frame and recover the seat. For $5, it's the perfect first DIY "reupholster" chair project.
Here's what I wish we had bought:
I immediately wanted this pristine white elephant, but it was towards the very beginning of our trip and I thought I'd come back for it (I was too sweaty and carrying too much stuff when it was all said and done so now it's gone).
I don't really have a good excuse as to why I didn't buy this but I thought the $18 price tag was a bit much (I know, call cheap wad if you like.)
I liked the lining on this picnic basket but, seriously, I'd probably never use it.
These two items were hilarious, but they are going to have to find a home elsewhere.
The red, phallic glass thing...
And the Confederate Squirrel soldier (WHAT?!!!!!!!!)
The man who "made" this artful creation was very suspicious of me taking photographs of "it." I wanted to say, "Dude, don't worry, NOBODY is going to steal this idea."
And finally, a few random tidbits for you...
How do you feel about flea markets?
Needless to say, it was awesome. Here's what we bought:
This pastel drawing was too sweet to pass up. I'm going to repaint the frame. Priced at $4.

These were the most expensive things we bought, but B loved them and who am I to argue? 4 for $10.

I immediately wanted this pristine white elephant, but it was towards the very beginning of our trip and I thought I'd come back for it (I was too sweaty and carrying too much stuff when it was all said and done so now it's gone).

The red, phallic glass thing...

The man who "made" this artful creation was very suspicious of me taking photographs of "it." I wanted to say, "Dude, don't worry, NOBODY is going to steal this idea."

- A man offered to buy my camera for $10 and I almost laughed straight in his face until I realized he was serious.
- I overheard another man saying that he almost got ran over because he wanted to pick up a dead squirrel he found on the side of the road. He asked his buddy to keep his eye's peeled for future road kill.
- My least favorite items at the flea market were, puppies, roosters, turkeys, pornography, and toilet paper.
How do you feel about flea markets?
OK, I am turning green with jealousy. :) What a great day you had. Gosh, you got some great deals, the painting being my favorite - and I am in love with it! I love the orange rug; it is so bright and cheery, but I am one of those strange women who loves orange.:)
Ya know I am thinking, I probably would never have seen the red bottle that way. :) Am I dense or what!? Heck, I would probably have bought the thing and then wondered why people starred at it while visiting.
The fans neat!
I saw a vase the other day that I did not buy, I've been kicking myself ever since. I am bad about that, seeing something and talking myself out of buying anything. I have too much as it is.
Your day was a lot more fun than mine. I've been scraping the basement floor.:( After it flooded and I had to take the carpet up, now all that glue has to be scraped off the concrete. Not so much fun, but necessary.
Glad you had a wonderful Saturday.
Hi there!
I am a new reader, but I already love everything about your blog. :) I guess I have come to stay and will check your blog every single day!
Wish you a great sunday (hopefully without any roaches...)
Much sunshine! Anna
PS Roaches are terrible things..I have the very same problem here (I am living in Brazil)ughhh...
That's so irritating when you want to buy something, tell yourself you'll get it later and then its gone.ugh. You got some great things. I love flea markets, so much fun, especially when you walk away with great finds. I love the mirror, its really unique. The rug is great too, nice summer shade of orange. I'm all about that picnic basket! {I'd NEVER use it either, though} That chair is really catching my eye, is it low with a wide seat? looks terrific. I hope thats a DIY we'll get to watch? I'm not going to comment on the squire lol.or. the guy trying to buyyour camera for $10. I'm sorry he put you through that LOL. I'm still trying to process the TP. I'm not going to ask was it used/half a roll, etc.
Hope you are having a nice roach free weekend!
I love your finds and the trip sounds like lots of fun! I hate seeing roadkill, imagine actually trying to pick it up?? I'm willing to pay $12 for the camera by the way... :)
WHOA!!! you have some awesome finds here! and such good prices. i sure wish i had been shopping there today. FUN and fab finds!
p.s. you are so funny! the underwear comment?!?!? it killed me!
this post actually made me laugh out loud. I loved it!
i'm so going to get started on that confederate squirrel and make millions. thanks!
Goodness!! I so envy you... wish I could come along.. Awesome purchases!
okay that squirrel was scary! that long hair. please tell me it was fake hair at least.
great finds.
can't wait to see what you do with them:)
especially that chair.
look at those great finds! i'd describe our local flea market as redneck too.. but i admit it still holds a special place in my heart :)
Omg the squirrel?? So sad and who would buy that?? It for one looks scary to me. I've never been to a flea market but I see people blog about them all the time and it makes me want to go to one more and more each time. One day!
That is absolutely hilarious. I miss the south so much! That squirrel is awesome - I totally would have bought him and given it to a friend for a housewarming or something. Just an idea for the future :)
Can't wait to see your DIYs!
oh laughed out loud with the confederate squirrel and the "don't worry dude. no one will steal this idea" thought!!!
I dont know where they are here! goooood buys though.
O my goodness, you came home with some absolutely amazing finds. I wouldn't have been able to leave the pastel drawing either. I can just see it reframed or, as you said, the frames painted! It'll be marvellous.
$10! That guy can just get lost.
You got some terrific bargains! That elephant though...it's a shame you let him get away. The road kill is abhorant in the extreme. I actually find it too stressful going to the markets and only do it once in a blue moon because I just pick up so much stuff! You are a very disciplined person in my opinion!
wow, you found some intersting stuff. looks like a great day. i heart flea markets
oooh...I get butterfliesss whenever I visit flea markets! Fab weekend dear...
Love that portrait! Fleas are such fun!
ooh like that lamp....would look lovely with a teal green pattern fabric...or maybe a saffron colour? and the squirrel gave me the heebie jeebies...poor little mite.
I love flea markets. I just went myself last weekend and found a couple of nice things.
If only I could get the hubs interested in going flea marketing. I might just have to trick him. Love that chair!!!
Sounds like a wonderful trip! Love all your purchases--such great deals and love your plans for all of them.
damn you, K at Blog Goggles! that's totally what i was going to suggest to do with the squirrel. a friend of mine had a small, poorly taxidermidy-ed shark that made the housewarming rounds.
nice find on that rug especially.
That squirrel is RIDICULOUS. I want it.
Such a fun day! I am so jealous...we don't have anything as cool like this where I live, the "flea markets" or "swat meets" are like going to the mall and nothing is original or authentic.
I can't wait to see more of your DIY! You're genius.
And I hope you had a fab mani pedi :)
i haven't been to a flea market in soooo long. i used to love 'em. i don't even know where to go anymore. i'm loving all your cheapy finds. i would've so bought that vintage fan but yes i'll agree the price tag is a little high compared to all your $4 finds. i can't wait to see all your future DIY posts. hope you had a fabulous (semi-work free) weekend!
What great finds! I'm jealous of that lamp and mirror, and that fan was nice too, but yeah, $18 was a bit much.
I like our local flea market, especially the outdoor part that they have in summer. You can get the best bargains there, rather than in the more permanent booths.
Christina, was that Lakewood 400?
Loooove what you got.
looks like you found some treasures...and saw some interesting things haha.
i love the mirror/chalkboard idea
I wish you'd got the elephant! They're my favourite...
Our flea market never has cool stuff like this. I'm so jealous! You got some great stuff though.
i love flea markets but ummm...they sell toilet paper there?
and i LOVE that mirror! i want it...i dooooo want it!!!
Love your finds!!! {and wishing you could go back for that delightful fan....} Glad you had fun and steered clear of the freaky squirrel.
Wow I'm going to have to track down a flea market like yours! I can hardly believe those prices!
I feel like I recently saw a blog post about rodent taxidermy that was costumed like that. If I find it again I'll let you know. Bizarre.
confederate squirrel
can't wait to see your diys!
Big score! Do I need to come down to Athens for the good flea markets? I can't wait to see you work your magic on that chair!
Holy smokes, you found some great deals! Can't wait to see what you do with it all! I recently found an elephant statue at the goodwill for $3. It was an ugly grayish-brown color made for outdoors, but I spray painted it white and he looks good as new.
The confederate squirrel had to be my FAVORITE item pictured.
Great finds! :0)
I would have totally bought the phallic glass...hilarious.
We have a great flea market once a month that is huge...and I forget about it every month! Haven't been in years. Must remember in July....I love them...especially flea markets in other countries. Those are the most fun!!
Great finds! I love that chair! I think you should have bought the squirrel, lol. Too funny!
Thanks for stoppin by my blog! Have a Wonderful Week!
I Just found your blog and I love it. All your finds are amazing. Congrats
Love flea markets. Haven't been to a 'real' one since I was a kid. (They don't sell cool stuff like confederate squirrels at New York flea markets. )
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