Am I the only one who wonders the correct spelling of the color between black and white? I feel like this should be common knowledge, but I find myself getting confused so to put my own (and possible yours) curisiosity at rest, I've looked up the answer. According to the all knowing WikiAnswers both "gray" and "grey" are correct spellings. "Gray" happens to be more popular in the U.S. Because it's the most popular choice, I will be using "grey" from here on out (I'm rooting for the underdog.)
Monochromatic interiors are appealing to me for a couple of reasons. First, I know I could never do it so, therefore, it intrigues me. Second, there's something very soothing about a monochromatic interior. A smart monochromatic space displays variety and interest through different finishes, textures, and pattern. I've tried to find some interesting grey monochromatic spaces because grey exudes romance, mystery, and moodiness. There's so much variety to be had with grey...(hopefully these spaces won't disappear against my background grey!)
This grey leans towards purple...almost. To me, this is a very soothing space.
via Desire to Inspire
A beat up, old chair tells a story if you're willing to listen.
Source: Carolyn Barber {via Desire to Inspire}
The variety of warm and cool greys gives this luxurious space a sense of warmth and depth.
source: House Beautiful {via here}
Pattern lends interest and character to this bedroom.
via LiviaConcept
This is a romantic space from what feels like a different time. The ivory/grey combination is soft yet the textiles and ornate accessories add luxury.
source: Mrs. Howard
I adore the painted floors in this modern, clean room.
source: Gemma Comas via {Grayson: A different shade of grey}
Ok, I cheated a little on this one as the bedspread is obviously purple, but I just adore the grey canopy.
via Marie Claire Maison
This appears to be a well used kitchen and normally bare walls scare me, but I like it here.
source: Roland Bello {via emmas designblogg}
"The color of truth is gray."
-Andre Gide
You don't have to agree with the quote, but it's nice to be comfortable with grey, no?
This grey leans towards purple...almost. To me, this is a very soothing space.

A beat up, old chair tells a story if you're willing to listen.

The variety of warm and cool greys gives this luxurious space a sense of warmth and depth.
Pattern lends interest and character to this bedroom.

This is a romantic space from what feels like a different time. The ivory/grey combination is soft yet the textiles and ornate accessories add luxury.

I adore the painted floors in this modern, clean room.
Ok, I cheated a little on this one as the bedspread is obviously purple, but I just adore the grey canopy.
This appears to be a well used kitchen and normally bare walls scare me, but I like it here.
"The color of truth is gray."
-Andre Gide
You don't have to agree with the quote, but it's nice to be comfortable with grey, no?
I adore grey. (I always wondered how to spell it too, I'll go the same as you!) It's one of my favorite colors to wear as well. In fact I have grey slacks on right now! Good finds!
I just love, love, love grey. I think because it can be both soothing and sophisticated all at the same time... I am wearing a grey shirt today! Ha - just noticed that! :)
I love the grey!
By the way, I just discovered your blog, and love it!
OMG. I love them all, but that first bedroom...I think I need to save that in the inspiration folder because I am dreaming about sleeping in that room.
Well, I just noticed that we're all wearing grey...I'm wearing a grey dress, too! :)
Love the stripe wall! The lovely greys reminded me of the old Dior boutique...
i have so much gray in my wardrobe but i don't know about it in my home but these look so cool!
I really love grEy a lot! It's so intriguing. I like the purple/grey combination, but the room I'm so in awe of it the ivory and grey. I need it.
oh that GRAY / GREY debate! MADDENING! i lost my mind when i did a grey hair post. or was it gray hair?!??! ugh.
anywhoooooooooooooooo, i love the old grey chair. that is my favorite.
my boss is obsessed with grey. his apartment is grey all day (instead of gay all day, or possibly both?!?!?). it is a little cold. if he put some pretty flowers or something around to liven it up, it would go a long way. but that is just me. grey is a superb neutral. superb! but i just don't want 100% grey everywhere like our ridiculous june gloom weather here that won't seem to go away.
I always thought:
"Grey" = color
..but this spell check keeps correcting me.
"Gray" = name > "The Portrait of Dorian Gray" and former California Governor Gray Davis.
..but, my cousin in named "Grey"...and the crayons spell it "Gray"
Either way, I adore your collection.
Christina - too funny. I was just thinking about this question on grey vs. gray this morning!!! I feel like I see grey more often, but I'm always inclined to say gray (I just think the a is prettier in script). Thanks for setting my mind at ease :)
Love the 3rd picture from House Beautiful - really lovely. I have a bit of a thing for gray - use it a lot when decorating. If done right, it's far from depressing. Now why can't corporate cubicle jungles learn to do it right?
the 3rd one down went straight into my inspiration folder:)
I'm a grey user too:)
Love all this gray.. or rather grey. I used to not be such a fan of grey in an exterior but I'm starting to turn around...
Not that it makes any sense, I've always used "grey" when referring to animals (i.e. the grey mouse, the grey elephant) and "gray" to describe other things (i.e. the gray sky, the gray chair). Don't know why.
i am a grey lover! my future house should have at least one room painted in grey!
I've always wondering the correct spelling as well! It drove me crazy lol
I am with Teri Rees Wang
Grey for colour
Gray for name
I love grey interiors. In fact my new house is all grey with pops of colour (i will be posting soon, darn that elusive camera cord!)
My bedroom walls are painted a medium/dark shade of grey. I go to bed every night happy with the golden light -lamps or candles- diffused by the grey and wake up smiling to the gorgeous sunshine filtering into and embracing the grey.... *sigh*
great post images Christina!!!
grey is such comfort to me! we have our office painted in grey and black and white pop and look great!
What a delightful post! I quite agree, I prefer the spelling of grey with an "e" but it gives me a red squiggle line underneath it, so I usually type out gray with an "a" because I don't like red squiggle lines :)
You have such beautiful photos, my dear!
oh i love the color grey (i normally spell it with an 'a' but what the heck). i love it in homes, i love it in fashion, i just love it!
I also go for "grey";) It just seems more elgant, doesn't it?
I saw grey paired with yellow the other day and it was unexpectedly lovely! I looooooooove that velvet couch!
Gray is my favorite color (all shades of it!) and I use it everywhere. Love the images.
this is one of my very favorite color .. it is actually my bedroom (grey + creamy white ) color ...
wonderful post and wonderful selection my friend.
Agh, I've been wondering the SAME thing, and it's probably something I should know since it is my favorite color. I hope we do get our house, b/c you will see grey in every room!
I did hear from a friend the other day that "gray" is also used up north, more than "grey." That is why I spelled it grey for so long. HA!
Great post - I was wondering the other day which spelling was right but was too lazy to look it up!!!
I thought I left a comment to this... Maybe it was just in my head. (scary!)
I wonder this same thing too... thanks for clearing it up!
That 3rd picture - hello, can I move in now??
Hi Im from the uk, love your attitude to Style and life it sounds very like mine, I think your profile shot is gorgeous. I really adore the grey beaten up chair.Your blog made me very happy thanks !!! Sharon x
Great rooms. I recently decided to our dining room in grey- love it. I especially am fond of the Phoebe Howard room.
Regarding spelling- had to laugh as I remembered my horrific moment when I spelled cookie incorrectly in a spelling test in elementary school (I used "cooky", which is also correct but not according to my teacher). I was reading too many Great Britain books I think. Tried to argue the point, but...
Love the pictures and your comments.
Never been here before, but I'll be back!
I found you through Federica at Sweet as a Candy. She has a wonderful blog too.
Why don't you come visit me as well?
At I have a great contest where you can win a subscription to House Beautiful.
At I have a fun challenge for all bloggirls that like to decorate.
See you soon!
Greeting from Norway
I'm drooling over the modern dining room! Wow - look at those floors and chairs!
And GREY for sure!
I used "gray" on my blog for a while, wished I used "grey" but couldn't bear to switch and either have an abrupt change or be forced to go back and switch all the references. It haunts me!
grey is underrated. i love it. my room is grey.
o and obviously, i'm more inclined to the e spelling. :)
LVOE IT! so funny i was looking at gray rooms today...
A post about my FAVORITE color? LOVE IT! When I first started my blog I did the same search you did since even in my paint wheels it is spelled both ways.
I spell it both ways, either/or, I guess it depends on my mood!
I love love love this post... I love the 2nd picture of the chair and the picture with the 2 beds, the grey linens and chandelier and striped wall paper, and well all of the pictures. Lovely post.
Gorgeous and so soothing. I would live in any of those rooms in a heartbeat.
On spelling, guess I'm a Canadian girl through and through. My natural tendency is to go "gray" regardless of usage.
Christina, I ove your blog. I found it through Diana at She's an absolute doll.
Love the quote. So true.
I see we're totally on the same page today! I also had put up a collection of grey...
Hope your day is sunny on the inside, if not out... :)
It's funny, I decided to go with "grey" as my official spelling a while back. Great minds think alike. :)
And I especially love that room with the painted floors. Stunning.
I love grey. Love the pictures. Great inspiration rooms
gr8 pictures!... i loved the 1st picture! its so simple. i wish to have one room like that in my dream palace
i might sell my soul for that awesome chair! love it & love all these grays/greys :)
I love grey - period.
But I especially love that chair. It reminds me of the chair Aidan gave Carrie!!
i love the grey + ivory combination...and the cozy chair...
I use both spellings, but I like "grey" better. These spaces are just beautiful! They feel so warm and inviting. I have one gray room in my house, and I'm considering painting two more rooms different shades of grey.
I found myself using both and decided I needed to stick to one so I just chose gray. No reason other than that's what I seemed to use the most. Anyhoo, the first room is gorgeous and going in my inspiration files right now! And I fell in love with that striped wallpaper too. And the dining room with the painted floor is right up my alley. Love this post!
I'm a fan of gray! I love the room with the exposed beams! Gorgeous!
I love grey! Especially with the right shade of purple or blue.
Wow! Your grays are so full of life! I could not agree more!
I love the color between black and white and i never know how to spell it either! These rooms are stunning--I have always lobed that bedroom from Marie Claire M.
ohh I couldn't stop thinking of these pictures so I came back to look at all the pretty grey.
ahhhh I really love it.
Gorgeous spaces, darling! I love GREY!
Grey is my favorite color. I think it can actually be really warm, and I'm always resisting the urge to paint every room in my house some shade of gray, because a little goes a long way. :) Although these pictures may prove me wrong.
That gray chair is particularly amazing. It looks like a great place to curl up with tea and a mystery novel.
My place is all grey with occasional wild leaps into white or black
I love grey. Love, love, love it! I couldn't wait to splash our walls with the color...but, then after our week away, I ended up buying a grey mirror and 2 grey rugs. I'll either have to go for a different wall color or attempt something monocromatic. Hmm. {Glad to be back and fully catching up on your lovly blog!!} Oh...and p.s. I always say "GREY" too. I think it's the prettiest.
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