The movie Amelie is memorable and noteworthy for so many reasons, most of which I will not be listing here. I mention the movie because director Jean-Pierre Jeunet really knew what he was doing when it came to setting the tone of the movie with color. I think it took the third time (I'm slow sometimes) of viewing this movie, years ago, before I realized that every scene contained was some variation of lime and orange (perhaps green and red would be the correct colors to use here but lime and orange is more interesting). If you've seen the movie, and I'm willing to bet money that most of you have, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't seen the move, I don't know what you're doing reading this and not watching the movie, because really, life doesn't begin without a good viewing of Amelie.
Lime and orange is an amazingly vibrant color combo that can go oh so wrong if restraint is not involved. Here are a few interior examples I've collected over the past couple of weeks. Here, the lime couch is the star of the room and the orange flowers are a playful accent. This is agreat solution if you're shy about the color combo and just want to try it. The rug draws both the colors in perfectly.
This sophisticated space would be too stuffy for me without the fun lime table and chairs. I can't tell you what that is on the wall, but it's working.

Whoa! Neon works against a neutral background...I love the lighthearted feel of this space.

This is a designed space that looks lived in...the fresh flowers are a nice finishing touch and echo the painting above the mantle.
Adding a touch of color to a white space might be all the change you need for a bedroom makeover. The painted wardrobe is subdued and so pretty. Note the touch of orange on the bed.
Do you tend to fall asleep in your workspace (not that you'd admit it if you do)? Citrus colors energize and what better place to have them than where you work?
I haven't thought about using cutting boards as decor, but these shapes work really well. The bright colors are best accented with modern, streamlined shapes.
Again, the color combo, although striking, doesn't need to be garish. The pale, sea foam color on this wall is a lovely backdrop for the retro couch.
This is a fantastic combo for a children's room, boy or girl.
So, what do you think about these Amelie-inspired spaces?
{Ashley Akers giveaway ends tomorrow...don't miss it!}
I watched Amelie just this weekend! My favorite movie! The set dresser on that show was definitely well worth their paycheck.
Watch the bonus material in Amelie for the description of how they made the colors so intense (e.g., the blue lamp in the scene where she puts together the letter is entirely CG - not there in real life).
I looove the pillows on the light orange couch! I wish I could sew ...
I LOVE Amelie.
So much so that our wedding colors are red and green (or are they lime and orange?)
those rooms are gorgeous, and yes, I love Amelie!
i've heard over and over again that i should see that movie. i'll add it to my to do list this weekend :)
Ohhhhhhhhhh, that room with the built ins. To die for!
I definitely think this can work in the right space and with the right personality. I like the subdued hues a lot!
the title totally sounds like a legit company, too!
i love the inspiration and i hope ed goes away soon! hmmph!
This is just such a fantastic post! All of tehse interiors are just amazing! Also, loved your kotori guest post!
Hot "Techno-color" tones seems ripe for the "Juicy Fruit" pleasure of picking ...!
Well, you know orange is my favorite color. There's nothing more cheerful in my opinion. And I've very recently warmed up to green. The two together are always a great combination.
I love Amelie! My all time favorite French movie. I think it has to do with how whimsical it feels. Now thinking about it, the colors certainly help!
Amelie is one of my absolute favorite movies EVER.
I will take the 4th room and plop it in my house. I love the pop of color over the mantle and the fresh flowers. So gorgeous!
I have to tell you I did not realize this colour thing in the movie either. These interiors are absolutely funny and whimsical!
Love these pictures! I'm ashamed to admit I've never seen the movie. It's officially now on my "to watch" list.
Absolutely lovely interiors! Amelie is such a visually stunning movie. Funny, I never noticed the lime & orange combo either. My favorites are the rooms in photo #1 and photo #3. I think the key to pairing colors this bright is lots and lots of white
I love AMELIE!! Those interiors are FAB!
I love color, but I love that chesterfield sofa more! Oh my, and then combine bright green with it and I'm in Heaven.
Amelie can inspire so many things, but you are so right on with the color palette. I really like the space with floor-to-ceiling bookcases and the bright orange flower print!
Hope your weekend was delightful with your Sis!
what a wonderful blog post .. I am a true amelie (which is "le fabuleux destin d'amelie poulain" in french) fan, for many reasons, but mostly because there are so many things remindind me of my childhood in this movie ... and the music is great too :)
love your selection . thank you
I truly love Amelie, and totally agree with you in that life doesn't begin until you've seen it. I also found the interiors in the film especially enticing; her red bedroom makes me swoon. Thanks so much for the kind words and for updating your links!
xo Katherine aka. Urban Flea :)
It's a great movie! Everyone should see this movie. I love all the photos you chose inspired by this wonderful movie.
Happy Monday!
normally i would make a frowny face at the thought of lime and orange, but some of these actually look GReaT!!! especially the seafoam walls with orange couch. those are my favorite.
and i am an idiot!!! my walls at home are mint green (i rent -- not my choice!), and i just bought some new ikea curtains in a color i like to call PERSIMMON. and you know what?!! I LOVE IT! it totally works! and when the sun blazes through, it casts the most gorgeous glow through those curtains!
sorry for babbling! just had chocolate. ZING!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I have to see it!
When I first started blogging I didnt really like the inspiration pics because I was unsure of what they were really for..but NOW I have to have them.....
The colours in this post are amazing! Put a smile on my face :)
That green couch is dreamy - especially with those windows behind it!
i love the colours in amelie! I watch that movie all the time, the music is fantastic and the scenery amazing. I have that first interior image in my inspiration file.... it is just light filled and dreamy!
This was such a fun post! To see all of the variations of the colors that somehow work together, inspiring to say the least!
Perfect! SO much fun! If my living room looked like photo #1, I don't think I would ever leave!
ugh the colors in that movie are so amazing! i also love the quarky little touches of red that were sometimes something significant...and sometimes just something.
Lime and orange - only for the brave. And for small French children.
I actually sat down and watched the movie just last week because it's been on the brain lately! These interior spaces are lovely, deary!
Love the Lime Green couch! It would make me smile everytime I walked into the living room.
Love the movie and this is the nursery color scheme we decided on this weekend... thanks for the inspiration.
your blog always brightens my day!
One of my favorite movies! Thanks for all the ideas . . . ;)
another reason to like you!! Love Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain. Love it. Own it. The colors and french and brilliant sense of simplistic pleasures are fabulous. Much like your post...!
It's funny how the cutting boards-on-wall has stuck with me. It's such an inexpensive wonderful idea. I might try it with jello molds. There are always interesting one's at thrift stores. Maybe in orange... to go with our minty walls! ♥
oh what an adorable post. the boy loves this movie. he made me watch it and i'll probably get hate mail for what i'm about to say but i didn't like it...eeek! but i did think amelie was cute as button.
love it! you have the best interior candy! can you come over and decorate my new place??!! ;)
Definitely a fun color combo. Loving that little desk pic from Living etc.
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