Ok, so I'm a little late on my announcement of the winner of this lovely necklace...
Before I announce the winner, I want to give a big THANK YOU to the lovely Laurel Hill. Laurel, you are one talented lady and I hope to own a piece of your work very soon.
Without further adieu, the winner is lucky #16...heisschic from Technical Support. Congrats, my dear and thank you for the many laughs, your blog is fantastic. To celebrate, I thought I'd share some bison photos with you.
Hmmm, I don't think I'd pet him(?) if given the opportunity. Maybe after a good bath.
This one would like to thank you for reading Down and Out Chic with a big kiss. MU-AH.
that second photo is hilarious! looks like the thing is giant! xo!
hhah!! i love these pics and your commentary -- you are cracking me up!
haha such a nice giveaway! im so glad i found your blog.
how unique is that necklace? haha. ;)
congrats to the winner! love the photos, especially the last one!!!
pics are hilarious haha!
Love the pictures. :)
Oh, and I'm so excited to see what delightful diy project you whip up next. I'm actually on my way out to the garage to work on mine.
this site is very inspiring and lovely! Thanks. I'm definitely becoming a follower hope you'll return the favor since I'm just starting out on here. :D
Actually just saw a herd of buffalo today! Oh, the joys of living in Wyoming:)
look at you - cool! : )
Jen Ramos
'Cards & Prints You'll Love...'
I heard they were almost extinct...Glad these magnificent creatures are still here now! Congrats to the winner~
interesting necklace...
Those Bison are toally awesome! Love your blog! So glad I found it!
LOL at the last photo. i think i look like that in the morning :P
I once had a chow chow that looked just like that lol!
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