If I didn't like you all so much I would put myself in this weeks giveaway "drawing" and just happen to choose me as the winner. I LOVE this week's giveaway (not that I didn't adore the others mind you, but this particular piece is just soooo me). Laurel Hill is an unbelievably talented jeweler who has a sort of quirky, indie vibe to her work. Laurel is a fellow Athenian and I was so pleased that she agreed to offer a giveaway for Down and Out Chic readers.
Let's take a peek at her work:
In case you're wondering, yes, that is an anatomically accurate heart which I would totally wear with a little black dress for that extra edge.
Anatomical Heart Necklace $96
A friend bought these recently, from Laurel, at a local craft fare and was really excited to show them to me because they are just gorgeous in person. They have that handmade quality that makes them feel as though they have a story (and I'm sure they do).
Simple Crescent Hoops $38
This is an abstract take on a simple floral ring and I adore the shape and detailing.
Petal Ring $28
What is Laurel giving away you might be wondering? Just MY FAVORITE piece in her Etsy shop...
Bison $38
Do I need to explain why this necklace is awesome?
(the top necklace is a separate piece and is not included)
Yikes, I'm really excited about this...(I mean, I just said "yikes.")
Here are the RULES for entry:
1) You must be a follower of Down and Out Chic to enter. Giveaways are for my readers. (although I do appreciate your gusto- those of you who scour blogs in order to win things.) If you want to enter and you're not a follower, shoot me an e-mail and we'll talk.
2) Go to Laurel's lovely Etsy shop here and tell me what you think.
3) Leave me a comment on this post. Easy peesy.
{previous winners are welcome to enter again...it's fair game}
Winner will be drawn next Tuesday May 12th at 6pm. Good luck and, as always, thanks for reading.
In case you're wondering, yes, that is an anatomically accurate heart which I would totally wear with a little black dress for that extra edge.
Anatomical Heart Necklace $96
Simple Crescent Hoops $38
Petal Ring $28
Bison $38
(the top necklace is a separate piece and is not included)
Here are the RULES for entry:
1) You must be a follower of Down and Out Chic to enter. Giveaways are for my readers. (although I do appreciate your gusto- those of you who scour blogs in order to win things.) If you want to enter and you're not a follower, shoot me an e-mail and we'll talk.
2) Go to Laurel's lovely Etsy shop here and tell me what you think.
3) Leave me a comment on this post. Easy peesy.
{previous winners are welcome to enter again...it's fair game}
Winner will be drawn next Tuesday May 12th at 6pm. Good luck and, as always, thanks for reading.
ok, well the butterfly necklace almost made me pee in my pants...i LOVE butterflies and i love that necklace. love love! her jewelry really is gorgeous, i love the handmade touch she displays in her work. i agree with you on the heart necklace, its original and you won't fnd that anywhere else! thanks for the giveaway!!
What I really like about her jewelry is it is very industrial and rugged yet elegant, it creates a beautiful balance which reflects the artists unique style.
I really love all her pieces they would be very easy to match with my wardrobe:)
Everything in her shop is perfect and beautiful. I love the bison necklace and the "Adventures + Happiness" pin. The Bison necklace is perfect. I moved to Oklahoma last August and it is the state animal, I am trying (really hard) to love it here. I think the necklace just might help. ;)
very unique work indeed! I wouldn't have known that first necklace was a heart if you did say so--very pretty. And I love her crop circle earrings. Happy weekend!
love the petal ring
i love the banner rings..kind of old school but new in the rustic design of it. (look at me, entering a giveaway, lol)it looks fragile but sustainable..love it!
see i don't know what i would do down and out chic. you always find the best stuff. laurel hill's jewelry is magnificent! i love all her banner pieces...especially the necklace which is tough and romantic like me! i also love the leaf necklace and the heart necklace. anatomy was my favorite class in college so the fact that the heart is anatomically correct is a awesome! LOVE IT ALL!!!
I'm a follower !! I absoulutely love butterfly items..so I chose the Bombycidae =)
ohmygosh. i went to yellowstone a few years ago and became OBSESSED with bison. obsessed. this piece is the coolest!
this is a cool giveaway. her craft is tough with a sexy twist to it. it can be worn feminine or masculine.
great shop!!
and yes, i have checked out your blog a couple times ;)
Her stuff is beautiful and very unique! My favorite was way too expensive for me at this time but still... the Large Scalloped Shell Neckpiece is AMAZING!!!
What amazing pieces! I love the leather wing earrings--such a creative use of materials, and their shape is so sultry!
Great giveaway, I would totally rock the bison!
I'm a loyal follower :) and as for her shop...I LOVE IT. I'm sad I haven't found her shop before now. I really like the banner pieces - completely unique and something that would turn heads!
Thanks, vancy31[at]gmail[dot]com
everything is beautiful!
I just added her to my fav's:)
I like how you gave it straight! WAY TO GO!
I like the skull necklace...okay it scared me a tad..but still..cute.
oh great find! i love the jewelery- the anatomical heart is amazing... fashion forward without being "cutesy." i would love to wear the bison necklace with a sundress for a bit of contrast.
I love the butterfly necklace but ESPECIALLY love the leaf earrings!
I am not entering!! Cause that's just not fair since I won before (btw, the adorable frame came yesterday, was a delightful surprise, and I'm hanging it tonight!!). ;) But I just wanted to say that I LOVE this jewelry--what a talented woman--and I will definitely be visiting her Etsy shop to check out more of her stuff. Thanks for all the awesome giveaways!!
That bison necklace is sooooo awesome. I would love to wear it. And the others are so lovely, too.
wow! she is very creative! i'd love to win this piece of neck-art. i am a new follower :)
I love that the jewelry has a sort of tough edge to it but is pretty at the same time! I love the Banner Cuff Bracelet...its so unique!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
The Growth Ring, the Crop Circle Hoop earrings, the Skull earrings... this woman is channeling a seriously unique aesthetic - and I LOVE it! I feel like she is seeing/ hearing things that are just beyond the edge of consciousness.
So cool!
Although I'm not usually a fan of brooches, I really like the Adventures and Happiness Brooch. Her jewelry reminds me of the old west, for some reason...the tarnish and definitely that bison!
Thanks also for voting for me in the BlogHer contest! I appreciate it!
love her work!! those petal rings are so adorable and the bison give away, love!!!
keeping my fingers crossed!
i want that anatomical heart necklace SO BAD!
Wow! I love her work, so original! The petal rings are my fav and the Bison is so original. Such a great giveaway! xo
Ok...and this whole time I thought I was following you, like for months! Ahh I hate that! Well, I am a confirmed follower now! :)
Hippy chic etsy shop! I adore the style!
Have checked out the etsy shop and have seen her work in person....I love both. This metalworking is awesome.
I've seen these before and I'm glad to know now who the mastermind behind the art is. They're super gorgeous.
Oooh, super chic necklace-I love it! She has a ton of cool stuff in her shop-I think her "simple hoops" would be a great compliment to this necklace!
i love the Bombycidae necklace. with all the things with butterflies on them out there, why not more with moths? the shape is wonderful :)
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