Oh. My. Goodness. I can hardly contain myself, I'm so excited. B and I just purchased a brand new camera!!! I've been wanting one for so long (well ever since my crappy one died like two years ago), but I've been specifically wanting a DSLR which is not really the cheap way to go. Sometimes it's worth waiting for what you really want, even if it's more expensive instead of paying for something cheaper and not loving it. This rarely happens, but I wasn't willing to go for a cheaper option because I really wanted a camera that could be a type of investment; something we build upon and keep for a long time. Anyway, we finally decided today was the day and we happened upon a great deal. Here she is (and yes, she will get a name, eventually):
We chose the Nikon D40 as it's great for beginners (I know how to paint, not take photographs) and has everything we'll need. Isn't she pretty?
source: Nikon

We also purchased an Af-S lens w/stabilization which will allow for outdoor shots (you know, when the dogs are in action).

source: Ken Rockwell
The battery takes 90 minutes to charge, so I don't have any photos for you yet (and don't get your hopes up for quality, b/c this is all new to me). I am looking forward, though, to sharing our home with you and other snippets of our lives. The blog might look a little different, but I think it's for the better. I can't wait!

source: Ken Rockwell
The battery takes 90 minutes to charge, so I don't have any photos for you yet (and don't get your hopes up for quality, b/c this is all new to me). I am looking forward, though, to sharing our home with you and other snippets of our lives. The blog might look a little different, but I think it's for the better. I can't wait!
ahhh how exciting! i own the nikon d90 and i LOOOOOOVE it. i got it for my birthday this year and still have a lot to learn. there are so many features. you're going to have a blast with it. they take the best pictures. good luck and congrats!
way cool! getting a new camera is truly exciting... have fun with it, and can't wait to see your new pics!
Congrats! That is the exact camera that I want!
Oh wow! Have lots of fun with that. We have a Nikon D40 here and it is a really god SLR for starting out with.
oh my gosh--I can't wait to see all the amazing pics you take with it! I have a weakness for Nikon...I have the D90 and I love it :-) Congrats on the new purchase!!!
sweet! i just got a new canon rebel xt2 and just also ordered a fat tele photo lens and portrait lens. i feel your excitement and i can't wait for you to post!! yay to materialistic bliss!!
oh you are going to love it!! i have the d50 which is probably basically the same thing, but older! its amazing and has changed my life!
you will adore it i am sure. Way to pick a nikon:)
loves it!!! jealousy!!!
i desperetly want a fabulous SLR. my point and shoot infuriates me. Just need to save $500 or so. can't wait to see what sort of pictures this leads too.
great camera. I hope to do the same one day as well...I love pictures and quailty is really what matters.
thats a cool cam! even i wanna buy this kinda camera soon ..
even i cant wait to see your pretty home....
Can't wait to hear how you like it!!! Exciting.
oh la la! How incredibly exciting. HOpe it finishes charging soon:)
couple things-
1.- cant wait to see the pics!
2.- what kind of software (if any) are you going to use for your pics?
3.- i mentioned you on my blog. just an fyi
This is exactly the camera I want to get! Please tell me what you think after using it for a little while, I'm probably going to get mine this summer . . .
still learning how to use my new canon, enjoy!
Congrats!!! I know that's super exciting for you and B! Can't wait to see all your lovely shots :-)
I have the same camera!! And I love it! I'm also a novice when it comes to taking photos and this camera makes me pics look great!
I love the lens you got too, maybe that will be my next investment :)
Have fun taking pics!
ack! its gorgeous! i cant wait to see what pictures you take! :D
Ooh, I can't wait to see how much you love it! I've been debating between that camera and a Canon...
Congrats! We have a canon rebel and love it love it love it... and so on. have fun!
good lord this beast is massive and fancy and i am intimidated!!! you must be a really good shutterbug!
awwwww, she's a beauty! Hub has a DSLR and I have been hinting that I need my own:)
i recently got a new camera too. it's used, but it is so much nicer than my old one! i am so excited to use it--especially in FL this week!
have fun with the new toy! i know you'll love it!
Awesome camera! We use a Nikon D70 at school and I LOVE it!!
That's so cool! I'm extremely jealous! Can't wait to see how it turns out :)
Oh congratulations. How exciting. I pine for one of these babies on a daily basis.
Your puppies are absolutely adorable: I love your choice of subject for some of your first photos!
I'm getting a nikon d60 and I'm so excited!!!
Yea for nikon love!
I love mine and it is a great starter camera- wish I had that lens.
N I C E....
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