I meant to make this post yesterday, in honor of Earth Day, but there simply aren't enough hours in the day lately. I ran across some recycled glasses at Two Ellie a few days ago and it got me to thinking that I really don't know what's currently on the market in terms of recycled drinking glasses (I can't keep up with everything!) I recycle, I have for quite some time, but I'm not very good at purchasing recycled items (I'm sorry but recycled toilet paper is just too scratchy, there, I said it!). The recycled glasses I found, though, come in numerous styles and I feel like I have a lot of options for when B and I are in need of new drinking glasses.
These were the ones posted at Two Ellie that I think are so sweet. They aren't clunky (which is fine if that's what you're looking fine) and they're decently priced.
Recycled glass drinkware from $5.50 - $12
source: West Elm
I was also pleasently surprised to find that Target is carrying a line of recycled glasses.
Luigi Bormioli Green Collection $24.99 (this includes what you see here!)
source: Target
I'm not going to lie, I love a good beer glass (ahh the pool).
Recycled Glass Beer Glasses set of 2 $19.99
source: are naturals
I love the classic look (and pretty color palette) of these "Boylan Pop tumblers." These glasses were made from bottles rescued from NYC restaurants and kept out of landfills (pretty cool).
Cherry Pop set of 4 $32.50
source: the green glass co.
Perhaps you're in need of some margaritas? This glass definitely has presence and it's hand blown for that extra something special.
Miguel margarita glass $7.95
source: Crate and Barrel
If you're looking to make more of a statement w/your drink wear, why not go for green (literally)? These are unique because they're recycled from wine bottles (so they have the concave bottoms). The artist guarantees that these are made w/sustainable materials using only sustainable processes. The artists states that he/she actually finds the bottles at restaurants, takes them home and converts them into these beauties.
Recycled wine bottle glasses $70 (set of 8)
source: Cosa verde
Red Stripe is one of my favorite types of beers so I was pretty thrilled to find these. Glasses like this would make a great gift. This Etsy shop offers all sorts of different 'labeled' glasses so you might your favorite beverage.
Pair of recycled beer bottle juice glasses with fire polished rims
(currently sold out, but hopefully more will be made).
source: Rewined Recycled Glassware
Last, but not least, I have to mention a glass that is perfect for Coke or Root beer floats (I've said 'beer' a lot this post, haven't I? Hmmm).
Set of two Coke Bottle Sunday Float glasses $25
source: Windy City Glassblower
Who knew there were so many options for recycled drinking glasses? Do you own recycled dishware? Would you buy recycled drinking glasses?
Recycled glass drinkware from $5.50 - $12
I was also pleasently surprised to find that Target is carrying a line of recycled glasses.
Luigi Bormioli Green Collection $24.99 (this includes what you see here!)
I'm not going to lie, I love a good beer glass (ahh the pool).
Recycled Glass Beer Glasses set of 2 $19.99
I love the classic look (and pretty color palette) of these "Boylan Pop tumblers." These glasses were made from bottles rescued from NYC restaurants and kept out of landfills (pretty cool).
Cherry Pop set of 4 $32.50
Perhaps you're in need of some margaritas? This glass definitely has presence and it's hand blown for that extra something special.
Miguel margarita glass $7.95
If you're looking to make more of a statement w/your drink wear, why not go for green (literally)? These are unique because they're recycled from wine bottles (so they have the concave bottoms). The artist guarantees that these are made w/sustainable materials using only sustainable processes. The artists states that he/she actually finds the bottles at restaurants, takes them home and converts them into these beauties.
Recycled wine bottle glasses $70 (set of 8)
Red Stripe is one of my favorite types of beers so I was pretty thrilled to find these. Glasses like this would make a great gift. This Etsy shop offers all sorts of different 'labeled' glasses so you might your favorite beverage.
Pair of recycled beer bottle juice glasses with fire polished rims
(currently sold out, but hopefully more will be made).
Last, but not least, I have to mention a glass that is perfect for Coke or Root beer floats (I've said 'beer' a lot this post, haven't I? Hmmm).
Set of two Coke Bottle Sunday Float glasses $25
Who knew there were so many options for recycled drinking glasses? Do you own recycled dishware? Would you buy recycled drinking glasses?
those recycled beer bottles are genius! I would snatch them up in a hot-second too bad they're sold out. grrr... :-)
I don't have any recycled glasses, but now that I see these I am inspired to - I love those glasses made from bottles - the wine bottle ones are genius. And how fun are those coke glasses, maybe to drink milkshakes. (like I need a glass to encourage me to drink milkshakes. ha)
how cute are those ice cream float glasses! I do not own any but I wouldn't be opposed to it!
last picture looks yummy... i am sure that i will buy recycled glasses if they are beautiful like this....
Me too! I enjoy recycling also and I find recycled toilet paper a bit irksome too hehehehe. Infact my room has so much op shop finds tha i really must 'declutter'. These are beautiful glasses you've found! :D
i really like those recycled wine bottle glasses.
All of those are so great! I especially like the reused beer bottles!
This is a fun post. I really like the glasses in the first picture. My husband and I do fused glass and are just getting ready to recycle wine/beer bottles into very cool serving trays for crackers, cheese, olives, etc. Or spoon rests.
Those green wine bottle ones are beautiful! And I love the Red Stripe ones too. Great post!
I hate admiting that I have no recyclable glass ware in my home but I do love those recycled beer bottles, even if I am not much a beer drinker. I love the stuff you find!
I had no idea you had tattoos, but then again, no one thought I did either. I guess after so many years it gets old showing off for other people, doesn't it? :P
I definitely would buy recycled..., everything (including toilet paper... is that for real!?). Love the margarita glass.
yes maya, i am for real about the recycled toilet paper. it hurts, plain and simple. find me some soft recycled top and i'm all over it!
These are all really lovely! I posted some really cute root beer glasses yesterday....I really like these!
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