There's something you should know about me. I'm a bit flighty...ok, maybe that's an understatement, but I like to think of it as having lots of thoughts and not always know which one to chase. My flightiness sometimes makes me look like an ass. Today was one of those times.
So the baby shower I was looking forward to went something like this: me getting really excited shopping for GIRLS clothing and then realizing at the VERY last moment that I don't know if the couple is actually having a girl. So I panic. Big time. I end up having to call the soon to be father b/c no one else is answering their phones, and ask him what the sex of the baby is...if you haven't guessed by now, they are having a baby BOY. A baby BOY. Not a girl. I get off the phone and immediately burst into tears and continue crying as I make my dip (which was yummy thank goodness). Luckily my friends are super cool and didn't mind that I would bring them an appropriate gift later, but I still felt quite embarrassed. I mean WHO doesn't check the sex of the baby before shopping??? Here's one of the outfits I bought the non existent girl baby:
DwellStudio for Target Pleated Top-White Bath (I love DwellStudio's line for babies)
DwellStudio for Target Pleated Top-White Bath (I love DwellStudio's line for babies)
Junior's (ha! Juniors) Xhiliration Flutter Sleeve Dress $21.99
What I learned today:
1) KNOW the sex of the baby you are shopping for, unless the parents don't know the sex and then stick with the neutrals.
2) DO NOT overreact after finding out you've made a mistake and cry over the food you're making, potentially getting tears and snot in it. (That didn't happen, but it could have).
3)Don't get caught up in all the pretty baby clothing and read the FRIGGIN registry. If I had followed this rule I might have gleaned that baby is a BOY.
Jessie, darling, if you're reading this, I'm sorry I'm ridiculous. I hope you won't hold this against me and will still let me be #1 babysitter.
Oh and the book I decided on is wonderful, but more on that later.
hahahah! I have a baby shower tomorrow! *running to check the registry*
Your post made me laugh. You're a woman after my own heart.
Sometimes I walk through stores thinking about people who could have a baby and start picking out items for make believe babies. Honestly, I'm going to go crazy when my b/f's sister-in-law or any of my friends get pregnant...
I am loving that dress and the cute spin you put on it. I'm on the hunt for the boots you just described. Any suggestions?
Hahaha that's the exact sort of thing I would do. Except that I wouldn't remember there even was a shower, so I'd have to buy a gift from the online registry ten minutes before heading out!
ewww babies!
Oh, I am so sorry but would most likely do the same things. That is an adorable baby girl dress though:)
Oh my goodness, dont you just love target? I seriously love it!
Erin Keys
ah yes...good words to live by, my dear :-)
1. Christina, you looked AMAZING in that dress. (and you smelled pretty too.)
2. Now there's a tiny (really tiny) part of me that wishes I actually was having a girl because that outfit is adorable.
3. The dip was really good. I ate about half of it. (I still have your dish by the way).
4. Thank you for coming and supporting us, despite your embarassment, we were just happy to have you there.
That outfit is really adorable, but I can't help laughing at the image of you crying while making 7 layer dip. If you make that sort of thing a habit you're going to need bigger hair.
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