Did you know H&M launched a new home decor line??? B/c I didn't and I have to admit I'm pretty stoked. The line is currently only available in Europe, but it's only a matter of time before it hits the states. When H&M finally came to Atlanta (was it last year?), I did a little jig, and if their newest line does come to the states, I'll be even more excited. Ikea may just have to step it up a bit. Here's a taste of what's to come:
The simple graphic pattern against the stark white makes for a very modern setup.
Do you think if I write them enough letters they'll hurry it up and bring this line to the states?
What do you think? Should H&M just stick to clothing or are you as excited as I am?
Oh I am SO excited!!!! I L-O-V-E H&M and first experienced it in London. I hope they bring it to the states :) I may just have to ask my dad to check it out for me next time he's in London!
these images look amazing! although i've not seen the range out in the shops yet, maybe I need to visit a bigger H&M, London here I come! :)
i am SOOOO excited. i love ikea, obviously, but this will give me more options if/when i move to london!
As you could see on my blog a couple of days ago, I am not that excited about the H&M home collection. But I think the setups for their pictures to the homeline are fantastic. I live in Denmark and are able to buy from the home collection, and can tell you that even then, you can only buy by mail order, so you have no change to see the quality.
At last I might mention that I usually is a very big H&M fan when it comes to their clothes.
Instead of letters, let's get a huge petition to mail. I'm ambidextrous so that's two signatures right there.
Hey! I didn't know that :) nice!
I'm interested to see what they come up with. So far, just looks like Ikea :)
love the blue couch and pillows! really like some European brands, i'm sad we don't have Zara here, it's one of my favorites.
What!?!? It would be a dream come true! Come, come the the US! Ikea needs a rival.
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