I love birthdays. I really only like birthdays and Christmas. All other holidays simply make a small blip on my radar. I'm ashamed to say I don't celebrate my dogs' birthdays, really, but I think I might change all that. Maybe I'll throw them both parties (another reason to have friends over, right?) and I'll allow them to induldge in this wonderful dog-friendly cake!
Chocolate that's safe for dogs...I'd be interested to see what it tastes like (I know, that's gross).
Fifi's Favorite Carob Cake Mix and Frosting $5.99
Buddy's Best Banana Cake Mix and Frosting $5.99

It only seems right that we would celebrate our very best friend's birthday with at least as much gusto as we do our own. How cute is that cake bone?
source: Puppy Cake
{thank you Barkability for pointing me in the right direction}
Do you celebrate your pet's birthday? If so, how?
Fifi's Favorite Carob Cake Mix and Frosting $5.99
It only seems right that we would celebrate our very best friend's birthday with at least as much gusto as we do our own. How cute is that cake bone?
{thank you Barkability for pointing me in the right direction}
Do you celebrate your pet's birthday? If so, how?
I love xmas and b-days too!! those pics are soooo yummy! lol
Oh, what a brilliant idea. My dogs just always get raw hamburger on their birthdays but I would love to make this for their next one. It really is amazing all the cool dog products out there!
The bone shaped cake tray really makes it a sweet treat!
OK: it's hilarious you posted this when you did. Our chocolate lab is turning one on the 22nd of this month and we have been joking about throwing him a party.
At this point he's getting an extra long day at the dog park and a new leash [& 'bear bell']. I think I'd like to give him a cake, too. So sweet.
if someone's dog actually tries the cake, please let me know how it turns out!
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