Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Gift Idea: Temporary Tats

I must have missed it but when did temporary tattoos become so hip? And well designed? And not marketed towards kids? I ran across this pretty temporary love tattoo recently and started poking around for more options. Two shops that stood out:  Pepper Ink and Tattly. Tattly has a giant selection (designed by lots of different artists you probably recognize), my favorites being from the typographic group. And if you're looking for a custom name tattoo, Pepper Ink has your back.
Wouldn't these make fun gifts? I'm thinking party favors, stocking stuffers, tucked into thank you notes or just give a few to the friend that's thinking about getting their first tattoo. Just for fun.

Another idea for temporary tattoos? Business cards.
I have six very permanent tattoos. You can see a couple of them peeking out in this photo.


  1. These are cute. I love the little arrow ones. =]

    Kate from Clear the Way

  2. They're so pretty! And you're right-- such a fun idea for little gifts!


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