Monday, May 13, 2013

Wish list 5.13.13

1// iphone case $35 by eva black  2// sandals $49.99 3// dress $49.99 4// necklace $60 by cisthene 5// tote $98 by coriumi 6// nail polish $8 7// cat print $28 by caitlin hinshelwood  8// pebble tape measures $17

I love color, I really do, but I've noticed that my wish lists over the past few months have stuck to a fairly neutral palette. I have a few theories as to why this might be but they all seem a little silly (like maybe I'm mourning the loss of my 20s as I'm turning 30 soon? ha). Anyway, yes, my wish list this month does include a tape measure. Mostly because these are the prettiest tape measures I've seen, too pretty to tuck away in the back of a drawer. And although I'm not the biggest cat fan (I know, I know, how un-blogger like of me), I do love this cat's attitude. Happy Monday!


  1. Such a great wishlist! I love the dress. I've seen a few of them about and have been sorely tempted but I'm not sure I'm brave enough to wear the mesh panel. That tote is also a real stunner. I want! I know what you mean about craving darker colours recently. Not much good when summer's on the way :) xx

  2. I could so easily just re-blog this, it's EXACTLY my taste! The only "issue" is that cat.... It's so hilarious, but I find it off-putting. It makes me uncomfortable to look at....

    LOVE everything else though.

    Kate from Clear the Way


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