Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Paper Goods: 12 Father's Day Cards

01. / 02. / 03. / 04. / 05. / 06. / 07. / 08. / 09. / 10. / 11. / 12. 
I was bound and determined to not be late on my Father's Day card round-up this year. Alas, it appears as though I'm still running behind but we have a little over two weeks to shop so let's get to it! I think #7 is my fave. What about you? See any you like? 


  1. Hi There, I'm the owner and illustrator behind laLa grace (the #12 Hipster Dad) card and I just wanted to say thank you so much for including our card in this wonderful collection. :)

  2. ooo I'm lovin all these adorable fathers day cards!


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