Monday, January 21, 2013

Gift Idea: For the new dog owner

I think this Starter Kit from Wildebeest ($60) is so clever. I can remember being a new dog owner 8 years ago and I was so unprepared when I picked Kya up from the pound (poor thing was drowsy from being spayed and she immediately peed in the living room and then passed out). I adopted her when she was one year old so a kit like this would have been perfect. The kit is available in 7 colors and has everything you need for a long walk- collar, leash, poo bags, poo bag holder, portable bowl, tennis balls and more.

Wildebeest is an eco-friendly shop whose products are 100% "proudly manufactured" in San Francisco. You can read more about this new company here.


Melanie said...

Aww what a cute idea!!! I wonder if they have them for cats??!?!

Ergo - Blog

Stephanie said...

This is such a cool idea!! We lucked out - we adopted our dog directly from his old owner, so he came with most of what we needed (just had to swap out the gross, awful, mostly-made-of-corn food they were giving him), but something like this would have been awesome if we were starting from scratch. :-)

Krystin said...

I can't believe how much I love this!

Anonymous said...

I'm such a sucker for kits! This is so cute.

Kate from Clear the Way

Janelle @ Two Cups Of Happy said...

This is a brilliant idea! When we adopted our dog 2 years ago we had to make a list of all the things we needed. I like list making, but picking up one of these would have been super-easy.
PS - I'm now following your lovely blog. I'm excited to see more of your pooches!

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