Wednesday, May 4, 2011

DIY: No Sew Flowers

I cannot sew. I'd like to learn, but as of right now, my crafty projects cannot include anything requiring a stitch which is why I adore this No Sew Flowers tutorial by Made. The steps look simple and doable and although I know I should be making some for Mother's Day, I'm really just interested in making some for myself. Ungrateful daughter, I know. Check out the tutorial here
images: Made (found via Creature Comforts)


  1. These are so much fun!!! I love projects like this! Have you heard my new novel news? Check out the front cover on my blog! Hope you have a fabulous Wednesday sweetie. Kori xoxo

  2. So cheerful Christina!
    ...can't sew either~
    even though my late grandmother used to teach sewing classes!
    shame on me

  3. My MIL is know for gifting her signature "Money Roses".
    Roses made of real paper money!
    Some extra crisp bills, some silk velvet leaves, and floral wire. And, a spritz of her favorite parfume.


  4. This is totally up my alley! I can't sew either..wish u could though!

    Delighted Momma

  5. Very cute indeed, and they will never die, bonus! I can imagine a bouquet of pastel spring shades.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. You said the magic words! No sew! Cool!! They look so pretty! I'll check it out!

    Melanie's Randomness

  7. Gold and Teal - my new favorite colors!


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