Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mother's Day Cards by Figs + Ginger

How sweet are these bunting Mother's Day Cards from Figs and Ginger? The cards are made from recycled card stock and the wooden bunting from sustainably harvested Alder. It's a card an eco-friendly gift all in one and for $12.50, it doesn't get much better than that. 


  1. adorable! wonder if they make any 'mami chula' ones?

  2. These cards for Mother's Day are wonderful!

    Art by Karena

    Send your friends and...Come and enter my very Fashionable Giveaway from the French Basketeer!

  3. Those are so sweet! Pretty sure my mom wouldn't know what to do with bunting, haha, but the card is adorable.

  4. Such an awesome card! I would love to receive it and I bet my mom would too!

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