Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holiday Packaging Inspiration

Who's excited about wrapping some gifts?  I know I am!  As promised, I'll be documenting my attempt at creative holiday packaging this year starting later this afternoon with a round up of my chosen supplies.  Have you picked out a color scheme or theme for your wrapping yet?


  1. I have absolutely no color scheme whatsoever this year... The plan is to try to use up all the widely-varied remains of wrapping paper from Christmases-gone-by so I can start fresh next year. ;-)

  2. I found some super cute paper in the dollar spot at Target, and I bought some little bows and cardboard gift tags to match. For things that are weird shapes to wrap with paper, I got coordinating gift bags with ornaments on them. Everything will be red, green, white, and silver.

  3. These are all incredibly cute, but man I feel so much pressure this year to have amazingly wrapped gifts! haha. Every year people get craftier and craftier and I'm just not sure I can keep up.

  4. I love wrapping packages in brown paper. It always makes me sing "brown paper packages tied up with string..." from The Sound of Music :).

  5. I do have a signature wrap. Black and white striped awning paper. It is the base for my wrapping and then I add red and lime and one more stripe to the combo. Love it and have been kind of using the same scheme for as long as I can remember. You can see my signature wrapping paper on a post I did ON wrapping here if you have time.

    Love all of the examples you gave us, thanks for sharing,Kathysue

  6. claire- oh no! it's supposed to be fun not stressful! who wants to "keep up" with other people anyways? you know you're awesome and i'm sure your gift are perfect :)

  7. wrapping gifts is stressful to me. I always admire well-wrapped gifts but have accepted the fact that 'being crafy" with my hands isn't my gift.

  8. I bought a huge roll of butcher paper for my wedding and barely used any. Wrapping gifts with it is a perfect idea to use some of it up. There is something I love about the not so crisp corners it makes.

  9. Great post! Great ideas! I love making a package "special" by adding little individual touches. I get a lot of things at the dollar store for my wrapping - it's cheap. :)


  10. I have never seen such cute and detailed wrapping! can't wait to try it this holiday season! thanks-


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