Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Weekend

Happy weekend friends!  This has been an incredibly busy week for me and I'm looking forward to some R&R this weekend.  I don't have any big plans so I'm thinking about picking up a new book at the bookstore and escaping for a little while.  The weather has tuned cool and crisp here in Georgia (at least for the weekend) and it's the perfect time for a dog park visit and snuggling on the couch.  What are you up to this weekend? 


  1. Your weekend plans sound perfect. Hopefully you'll be able to find something you can just slip, blissfully, into!

  2. Hi I cannot wait to sleep in tomorrow and do a little catch up on my biz!

    heres to the weekend!

  3. Oh, that sounds like a divine weekend! Our plans to go backpacking this weekend were de-railed when poor Dodge was injured. We will enjoy a quiet weekend at home too.

    Thanks so much for your kind comment about Dodge. Unfortunately the injury to his legs was a little more extensive than the vets originally thought, and it looks like he will have to have surgery to repair torn ligaments. However, we still feel so lucky to have our boy in one piece.

    I'm sure I'll tire of the cool weather shortly, but right now I'm loving it after a long hot summer!

  4. I am running a 5K tomorrow morning, and then I think after that I will do nothing for the rest of the weekend :)

  5. I'm heading up to Napa for the weekend--can't wait! Dad's in town for a culinary conference (he comes every November) so seeing family + free place to stay + hookups at wineries = yay!!! But snuggling up with a book sounds good, too . . . it has been so long since I've done that!

  6. Weekend to daydream about a new home when this one finally sells. Browsing your D&OC archives for new ideas. So many to consider...!!

  7. oh sounds perfect !!

    happy weekend to you too my sweet friend.


  8. The trouble with climbing up trees is you eventually have to come down. And coming down is always more terrifying for me!

    Hope you had a great weekend, Christina. It's Sunday here and I spent it taking custom bokeh photos, browsing in the Christmas shops (already!), and watching a lot of Hitchcock movies.

  9. hope you have had a nice and relaxing weekend!

    it is nice to escape the "go-go-go" pace whenever possible!


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