Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fall Shopping: Plaid

Sometimes I'm a little hesitant to wear plaid because I feel like I'm going to match B who wears plaid ALL THE TIME.  I mean seriously, how many plaid shirts does one guy need?   The good thing is, none of these items actually match B's wardrobe but if he was a girl, I guarantee he'd own all of these items.  I don't know what's weirder, imagining B as a girl or imagining B as a girl with the same plaid obsession.  Yikes. 


  1. Ooh, I love that peacoat! I went to Catholic school my whole life, so I have a bit of a plaid aversion when it comes to regular clothes, but plaid coats are the exception to the rule. :-)

  2. I love plaid! I just bought a purple plaid dress from Target that I am in love with.

  3. Love these, especially that dress, lordy!

  4. I love plaid! And boys who wear plaid. :)

  5. Love the dress! I need more plaid in my life!

  6. i complete adore plaid! seriously, I could wear plaid or have a plaid accessory on everyday. I just purchased a few yards of tartan..... I just arrived from Scotland and I DON"T SEW!
    I don't know how, so I mush learn so I can make something out of this plaid!! I just had shipped to me from Scotland! I know I am crazy, right!!

  7. I'm obsessed with plaid right now. My favorite thing to do is steal one of my husband's plaid shirts, tie it in a tight, low night near my hips, roll up the sleeves, and throw a fur or puff vest over it. So cute!


  8. I don't currently have much plaid in m wardrobe, but I l-o-v-e it. Must be the preppy girl in me. So many cute finds here. Oh how I wish that handbag were mine...

  9. I'm obsessed with plaid, too. For some reason I equate it will fall/winter.

    I guess my husband has the similar taste to B b/c if you look into his closet you'll see mostly plaid, with a few stripes thrown in!


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