Monday, November 1, 2010

6 things + a winner

Happy Monday friends!  I hope you had a fun Halloween.  I worked all day on Saturday making B's octopus costume which turned out to be equal parts adorable (if B were a child) and ridiculous (because B is a grown man).  So, in the spirit of handmade, I'd like to share my most recent 6 favorite items on Etsy:

And finally, the winner of the $50 gift certificate to Earrings Nation (chosen by is #18 Lauren!  Congrats and thank you to everyone who participated. 


  1. Oh, please tell me we get to see a pic of Octopus B ?! I hope you guys had a sup-fun Halloween!

  2. That was supposed to read "super-fun", tee-hee.

  3. One of the kids (or one of us, tee hee) is definitely going as an octopus next year. That is brilliant!

  4. Oh, how fun :) 8 legs of goodness, right?

  5. How fun the octopus! Happy Monday!

    xx Vivian @

  6. Whoa me??? Yeeee! This is awesome thank you!

  7. I love that top, I'm loving all things mustard-colored for the fall!


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