Thursday, October 21, 2010

Interiors: Stoned

I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about stone interiors because although I find these spaces intriguing and the stone incredibly versatile (as seen in these minimalist and modern examples), I can't help but think how cold these spaces would be in the winter.  I mean really cold! There is a special quite beauty to pale stone walls that I appreciate though.  What do you think?

images: 1) ikea family live (via inspiring interiors) 2) home-designing 3) desire to inspire 4) apartment therapy 5) contemporist 


Emily said...

I LOVE it- I think it's such a natural material and so primal on some level. The second picture, that window seat, looks like a painting! Like a painting you could curl up in and read a book, drink some tea, or curl up and take a nap- under a huge blanket, if need be;)

Emily said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree, I love the quirkiness of the stone build but think they would be incredibly cold to live in, even if boiling outside...


Janaína Lemos said...

perfect, beautiful, gorgeous...i loved the stone houses. kisses said...

stone has always made me think of a Mediterranean house, perhaps because both my portugal house and my bf's parents house in spain seem to be made of stone.

i think they look amazing, but they wouldnt work in the uk lol.

gina said...

They're pretty, but I prefer cozy spaces and these do look cold!

Paige @ Little Nostalgia said...

There was an episode of House Hunters International where a couple in Spain looked at a house built into a cave. And then the second house they looked at was a cave, too. At this point I was like, "Whaaaaa?" Of course, I knew the third house was ALSO going to be a cave (and it was). They weren't bad looking, but they were all pretty dark. Also, how would you hang any art?

Julialifeisart said...

That reading nook? I'd like to hibernate there for a month or two. I think the coldness of the stone is perfect in that spot because you could really snuggle up there.

Eleni Psyllaki said...

Stone is my favourite material. I love the curved rooms! Beautiful post!

Christina said...

julialifeisart- i agree! the reading nook is incredibly charming.

liz said...

I think you could make it very cozy with lots of blankets and candles! Pretty romantic too!

flynn said...

living in the texas heat, these rooms look inviting even in october. it'd be the perfect house here. (p.s. are these walls stoned or plastered?)

Beach House Living said...

The first domed ceiling with beams is my favorite.

Christina said...

flynn- good question. i know the first home is stone. it's a little home in italy. the last home might be plastered though and just looks like stone? each of the links to should give more specifics :)

BaTLady said...

these are super rooms and I could live in any one of them. There's a reason, though, that castles hung huge beautiful tapestries. If only there were a more contemporary design... hmmmm.

leni said...

my fiance and i stayed in a great little suite on the island of Santorini (Greece) that had a similar stoned wall/cave type feel to it. it was so romantic.

drollgirl said...

HOLY SCHMOLY! these are cool! literally in the winter! ahhahaha. but i love them!

and i wish i had known about these when i was doing that cave dwellings post! very cool!!!!

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