Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy Weekend

Happy Friday!  I am so glad to finally have a calm weekend with absolutely no plans.  These past couple of months have been exciting and stressful and I am in dire need of some boredom.  I have every intention of reading the new book club book, catching up with the blogging community and maybe even cleaning house.  What are you up to this weekend?

image: Livet Hemma


  1. I'm headed to a few garage sales, and cleaning out the house too. Strange, cleaning and then looking for more stuff? Oh well, people do strange things. You have a good one.

  2. I have my first weekend free in quite some time, too! Hubsey and I are going to see The Social Network, but we're not planning anything else. Nice change of pace!

  3. we're having a long weekend here. maybe hitting the road for some quick getaway! have a beautiful one! xo

  4. Driving to Chicago! 8 hours in the car round trip won't be terrible. :) Have a great weekend.

  5. hope you have a super nice, calm and relaxing weekend!

    and how i love these flowers!

  6. I loved the "dire need of some boredom" Golly, do I ever hear you :) Me too, me too! I hope you get some quality down time this weekend.

  7. I've had my first boring week in a looong time and I've loved every second of it. I hope your weekend is super boring. :) As for us, soccer games, lunch with friends and I'm going to pop over to the Rue Magazine party in SF.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Oh how I would love to spend some good quality time READING. I've been so busy this year (pretty much all school year, every school year) that I have barely read a book! I think I need to take an entire weekend (preferably a long one) and devote it to nothing but books. How blissful does that sound?

  9. Love your photo of the different colored bottles. Very pretty.

  10. I'm so glad you'll have some time for yourself to relax and hide away. I'll be working most of the weekend so I can take next weekend off to visit family, but I fully plan on "scheduling" a weekend of hibernation in November :) Enjoy Christina!

  11. I've been collecting random bottles just so I can do something that looks like the pic you posted. It's Monday here already - weekend was fab - celebrated my mum's birthday with a brunch at my brother's house, ate a lot (of course), took photos, read books. Bliss.

  12. I'm catching up on blog reading. Can you tell? ;)


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