Friday, October 15, 2010

Happy Friday

Happy Friday dearest readers and friends.   This weekend, I'm helping my sister out by doing her hair and makeup for a wedding she's in (fun!) and then B and I are taking our niece for the night (yikes!).  I'm looking forward to getting out of the office and away from the computer screen for a little while but I am hoping to get some blog reading caught up on as well.  It's become a new favorite Saturday morning activity.
What are you doing this weekend?  Have you been enjoying your fall? 

Just a reminder that if you haven't entered the Wallflower Vintage giveaway for a $100 gift cert, you totally should and then when you win, you should give it to me :)

images:  elena {pretty light} and a creative mint


  1. Oh what gorgeous images. Have a great weekend too. Sinead

  2. Saturday morning blog reading is just the best!
    I wanted to say thank you, I had a root canal yesterday morning and spent the afternoon on the couch with my lap top, I found your blog (the normal way we find blogs by stumbling down some rabbit hole!) and it provided much distraction. So thanks a lot!

  3. Sounds like a lovely weekend! Good luck with your sis's hair & make-up!! =) I'm going to try to make an apple pie this weekend! I hope! Have a good one! love those flowers in the blue glasses! It's so pretty!

  4. Such purty flowers.

    Do you think the niece will let you sit still for blog reading?

  5. sounds like a fun weekend! I love morning blog reading, especially on weekends in my pjs. have a great time! :)

  6. Beautiful flowers!
    Have a happy weekend, too
    Hugs, Yvonne

  7. Gorgeous gorgeous flowers!!

    xoxo Laura

  8. have fun doing wedding make~up and with your niece. sounds fun! i've been running my teenage son around to colleges and back and forth to high school and back for a play he's working on. but at least i'm getting in some mom and son time ;) enjoy your sunday!!


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