Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Vintage: What the funk

Besides having a fantastic name, What the funk carries a pretty great selection of vintage shades.

The sunglasses range from $15-$220 so there's a little bit for everyone.  These are on my wishlist.

images: what the funk


  1. Yes, these are fabulous. And with that price range I'm sure to find something.

  2. pretty much in love with these sunglasses!

  3. thanks for the tip, now they are on my wish list as well!

  4. I don't know that I could actually pull off any of these, but I'd defiantly try the first pair.

    Come by and check me out at:

  5. These are totally fab! I might get me some for Summer! P.S. Thank you for the drawing love sweetie!! :0)


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