Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hi friends. I thought I'd update you on the family emergency I referred to yesterday.  Here's the situation:
- My mom was hospitalized on Sunday night in an emergency situation. She's still in the hospital.  She's been sick for a long time.  Her problems are more than just physical and that is the hardest part.
-As you can imagine between this situation, the job change, and the upcoming wedding, I am slightly overwhelmed.
-By "slightly overwhelmed" I mean I'd like curl up in bed and stay there for a long while.
-I have some amazing friends and a loving partner who never gives up on me and I am truly loved.  This is why I am not in bed right now.
-It's in these times, the times I feel like I want to give up, that I realize just how strong I really am.  Sometimes I need a gentle reminder.

image: here


  1. will keep you and your family in prayer.

    And remember, some days it's ok to just curl up in bed and stay there.

  2. So sorry. Glad you have B there with you. You are a good daughter.

  3. bless bless bless you and your brave mom, and all your loved ones

  4. Hang in there, darlin'--and just take it a day at a time. You are loved!

  5. Oh dear I hope your mom gets better & that you have the strength for all of this! Be strong.

  6. I am so sorry to hear all of this, You poor thing. I will think posetive thoughts and send them your way that it all smooths out really soon,Kathysue

  7. Best wishes for things to work out or resolve at least peacefully so that you can have better days!

    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  8. *HUG* You ARE strong, Christina. You will get through this. I hope you Mom gets better soon, and i'm thinking of you and B and the family.

  9. oh girl. i am so so sorry. i hope your mom is going to be ok. i am sending you my best wishes, and if there is anything i can do to help, please let me know.

  10. Sending good thoughts your way! I hope your mom has a speedy recovery! Good luck. Hopefully the waters calm soon. :)

  11. hope things look up soon!! i'll definitely keep you in my thoughts and send prayers your way!! make sure to take care of you in all the chaos!! :)

  12. So sorry to hear about all of this. Even though it would be nice if we never had to experience the tough times, they make the good time that much sweeter. I am sending positive thoughts and well wishes to you and your family.

  13. hope your mom gets better soon, sometime its ok to curl up and cry, and then pick yourself back up, you'll feel better.

    I also have a mother who has had problem that are "more than physical". I understand completely, hope things get easier for you. one day at a time.

  14. I can only send positive thoughts to you and your family.
    As we say in Italy: "Tiene duro" just to say that you must stay and resist, better time is comming.

  15. I am so sorry to hear this! I am sending positive thoughts your way.

  16. So sorry to hear about your mom...thoughts and prayers to her and you! :)

  17. Hang in there, Christina. You are an inspiration to us all and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom in your time of need.

  18. Breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth...

    And repeat:

    "I am Safe"
    "I am Sane"
    "I am Supported"
    ...and "I am SATISFIED"!

    ..emphasize the "satisfied".


  19. your momma is in my prayers. and, you're right, you are strong. with love, katie.

    ps: i'm so happy for you and b, have i said that lately?

  20. i'm so sorry to hear about your mom, will be keeping you both in my thoughts and i hope things look up very soon.

  21. Thinking of you and hoping that things with your Mum will right themselves soon...xv

  22. so sorry dear!
    Continue to have strength

  23. sending you a giant hug love. hope everything goes uphill. xo

  24. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I will say a prayer for you right now.
    keep your chin up.

  25. Dearest One ~

    I'm thinking of you and your mama with strong wishes of a healthy recovery. Wish I could help relieve some of your stress and worry, but like you said, "you are in the best of hands"!

    Sending you lots of love and hope,

  26. I'm hoping/praying for a quick and gentle recovery for your mom and peace with your family.

    I'd give you a big right now if i could.

  27. Hoping for a speedy rcovery for your mom. Hang in there.

  28. ooooh, so sorry my friend. so happy to hear that you have that support around you. remember, while helping your mom, to take care of you. ok? keep us posted and know we are thinking of you! ;)

  29. I hope your mom feels better soon. I 100% know the burden of worrying about a mother. It's tough.

  30. Sending positive thoughts your way!

    Take things one day at a time, and remember that it's okay to let yourself cry once in a while. Sometimes a good cry can be a big relief. But then you have to pick yourself up and keep going. I know you can do it!

  31. Sending you lots of love, hope your mom gets better soon xoxo

  32. Hi Christina! I know this must be tough, hoping you hang in there and of course curling up every once in awhile for a good cry isn't the end of the world! Glad you have such a great partner to help you through this.

    xoxo Mary Jo

  33. hang in there - things will turn around! just know that we're all here for you to give you a boost when you need it and it's ok if you need to stay in bed once in a while. hugs xo

  34. thank you all for your encouragement and kind words. she was released from the hospital tonight which is good news indeed!

  35. everyone needs a good cry session. hope everything works out with your mom!

  36. i totally understand where you are coming from....God knows I do. I posted on my Facebook that people seem to tell me I am a strong woman..well sometimes it doesnt feel that way to me...although i have a strong man who has my back...what does a strong woman do when she feels weak. i wish you the best. and you are in my prayers along with your mom.

  37. Hope your mother gets better. As for you, try to take a deep breath. You can do anything but not always everything at least not all at once.

  38. Don't forget to breathe. Stay strong.
    Crying is good for you.

  39. My condolences to you, these things are really hard to deal with sometimes but having support makes it so much easier. I hope things brighten for your mum soon!

  40. Aw! I really hope that your mom gets better soon.

  41. I'm very sorry to hear about your mum. I know it's hard when you have to be strong for someone else, sometimes, but emotional support goes a long way.

    Thinking of you.


  42. hang in there!! Overwhelmed, completely understand. I am happy for you that B is right by your side. AND I do know you are a very strong person with a big heart.
    Wishing, praying and sending positively loving vibes your way. Huge hugs!!

  43. I'm new to your blog today. Just wanted to say that you will be so much stronger on the other end of the ordeal. The little problems we used to get so upset about will pale in comparison now. I hope your mom recovers quickly! Having a loving partner really helps! I know my hubby is the reason I got through a lot of difficult times.


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