Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Try Hard

It's been a long, stressful week and it's only Wednesday.  I'm glad I ran across this on That's Happy because it's exactly what I needed to hear  read.  No time to complain or languish in what could's time to try hard, and when you're done "trying hard", treat yourself with a giant glass of wine, right!?

image source: William Edmonds


  1. can I trade the wine for an icecream??? I'm trying I'm trying!!!!;)
    *sigh*......we WILL fix this ;)


  2. Oh YES!! Enjoy that large gigantic glass of wine! I will have one for you too!
    Just returned from Niagara Falls and Canada, tomorrow lazining about the house! It was a much needed vaca, haven't gone on one since last year!
    enjoy that glass of wine!


  3. Amen to that! Big week so far for me too! We're half way there though which is good!

  4. Exactly! Rewarding yourself for hard work is key! : )

  5. hope you week gets better!

    ps. blogged about YOU today!!

  6. Hope your week gets better! It is already almost Thursday...hope that helps. :)

  7. Crazy week!
    I'll be in try hard every day mood today ;)

  8. this week has been brutal, no? can't wait until it is over. and hopefully it ends on a hIGH note instead of on more ick. i have a very sick cat and i hope he is going to make it. :(


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