Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Self Petting Dog

I thought I'd share with you one of the many neurotic habits of my self-petting dog (and yes, this is off topic, I know).  This is Kya who often shies away from being petted by people and much prefers petting herself on objects such as table cloths and my future in-laws plant (as witnessed this past weekend).  They say that a dog's personality often reflects that of it's owner but I just don't know how to explain this one. 


  1. Awesome! I'm so glad you figured out how to post it! Very funny behavior...

  2. She's just being herself..I wouldn't worry about it...she's adorable. Doggies are the best.

  3. If you can get it to clean up it's own poop, too, I'd seel it to a genetics lab.

  4. so cute. it reminds me of my kitty who rubs up against everything to pet herself. animals are so silly.

  5. Oh thank you!! That's really put a smile on my dial! I think she's a doll and that she is appreciating the tickly quality of those fronds! Love her tail and the way she comes over to say "Hi" between plant tickles!!

  6. Ha! And I thought my dogs were quirky! This is so stinkin cute and funny. Love it.


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