Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Photography: White Noise

Aren't these images eerily beautiful?  They're by German photographer Matthias Heideirch for a series entitled, "White Noise."

Side note- There are lots of changes going on in my personal life this week.  I'm feeling excited and afraid of the unknown as I take a new career path and face the stress of changing jobs.  A door has opened for me and I can't ignore it so I'm going to walk through it with my head held high and hopefully not fall flat on my face!

Another side note- I've been guest blogging over at Much Love the past couple of days.  You can see the posts here and here.


  1. Wow wow wow - those are amazing. Gorgeous photography.

    Congrats and good luck on your new opportunity!

  2. i love the indistinct fogginess.

    & good luck on your new job!

  3. 1.) I love the creepy, eerie yet beauty behind these photos.

    2.)A big woot woot to life changes!!! Congrats for walking through the door (not always in easy thing to do) and hope all works out for you :)

  4. Great big hug and a slap on the ass (the baseball coach kind of one, not the kinky kind of one...just so we're clear) as you walk out the door.


  5. these images are fffffffffantastic! just glorious!

    and congrats to you! big changes can be good! i am excited for you!!!

  6. big changes are scary but i trust your judgement, i'm sure you'll do great!!

    as for the photos, this is how i've been feeling lately

  7. Good luck with your new job! Change is always scary, but you'll do great!


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