Monday, August 16, 2010

Photography: I Never Promised

Hello Monday.  I'm starting off the week with some whimsical, dream-like photography from _acido. The title is taken from the photographers url, "I never promise you rose garden." 
 I'm facing a busy week of wrapping things up at work to prepare for my new job as well as preparing for the two wedding showers being thrown for us this weekend. It's only Monday and my to do list feels a mile long. Would be nice to escape into a bit of dream world every now and again, wouldn't it?    

images: _acido


  1. oh my this are so dreamily atmospheric!

    love from amelia of la ville inconnue and the snail and the pigeon

  2. I would love to step into a dream :)

    Happy Monday to you!

  3. Just what I need for Monday morning; it's like carrying my dreams on through the week. This post also makes me miss the warm cocoon of my bed.

  4. Happy Monday to you Christina ~ it sounds like a busy and productive one!!

    xoxo Laura

  5. love these! sometimes I think I'm in a dream world a little too much! and that list keeps growing.. and growing....

  6. happy monday to you!! these pictures are so lovely!


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