Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy Weekend + Some Thoughts

Happy Friday dearest friends, readers and supporters of D&OC!  B and I have a big weekend coming up with two wedding showers to attend which is undoubtedly exciting and makes me nervous all at the same time.  The love and support we have received even though we are having a small courthouse wedding is surprising and slightly overwhelming.  We are so fortunate and thankful to have friends literally shower us with gifts and love!
Remember the wedding shower dresses I was contemplating?  Well, I ordered a couple that fit terribly and was pretty worried I wouldn't find something special to wear.  Luckily the sale section at Anthropologie pulled through for me and I found an adorable dress that fits just right!  I even found some fun shoes to work with the dress. Double score.
I ask for your continued patience with the blog over the next month.  Between changing jobs, getting married, and all the in between chores that come with these things, I'm having to find a new pace with D&OC.  Posting may be less frequent, but I will continue to try to to supply a daily dose of affordable design inspiration.  You all mean so much to me and my little space in blogland has become a big part of my life.  I appreciate each and every one of you!

image: ruffled


jdavissquared said...

take your time! we'll be here when things calm down for you. enjoy this special time in your life! ;)

Carpe Diem said...

Anthropologie is great...Congrats, don't stress, and enjoy your time.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Hi Sweetie ~

I finally had a small break in family adventure fun to check in and say hi! So much to say to you (and will do so formally), but in the meantime, I'm beyond thrilled for you and B with the great journey which lies ahead for two incredibly WONDERFUL and PERFECTLY made-for-one-another people!

Have a lovely weekend, and soak up every bit of the love and goodness that is being showered upon you!


gina said...

Enjoy it! I know from personal experience that it will all go so fast and soon you'kk be married over two years (like me). :)

Love the dress, great choice!

naphtali said...

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!! Enjoy this deserve it. We're not going anywhere. xoxo :)

Linz said...

no need to ask for patience! you're getting married!!!! and changing jobs! i know exactly how that is. take your time and *enjoy* this time. :)

Samantha said...

Congrats. Enjoy this time. It only comes once. The bloggie world will be here.

Gabby said...

Have such a wonderful weekend! How exciting :)

off switch said...

oh! i tried that same dress on at anthro last time. it is very pretty! and so are those shoes! i hope you both have a wonderful weekend and enjoy yourselves. xo.

thelayeredpancake said...

that dress is so pretty!

Anna @ IHOD said...

I think we readers understand! It is so important to soak up these memories and moments you will have your whole life. The rest will fall in to place.

Have so much fun at your showers!!

Paige @ Little Nostalgia said...

A marriage and a new job? Girlfriend, take your time! We'll be here.

Taylor said...

Your blog is great, I love your Etsy store!! I would love for you to check out my blog, The In's & Out's of Sometimes Having It All, I am new and love any feedback or new followers!! ;)


Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

New job? I'm so far behind, I haven't even read about this. Good luck Christina - this is such an exciting time in your life. Enjoy it! No worries if you miss some days posting. We, your readers, will always be here :)

Diana said...

You had a wedding shower? Where are you registered?

monicaugg said...

Perfect pictures. I'm so glad to find them on your page. THX a lot.

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