Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wishlist 7.22.10

Oh look! An adorable romper with a sharp collar and bow neck tie AND it's on sale ($88).  Won't you be mine?
(p.s. I own only one romper, it's from the 80's and looks like a kid's play suit.   I wasn't a fan of rompers until said vintage romper came into my life and I think it's high time to add another, chicer option the the ole' wardrobe.)

images: candystore collective


  1. i have a serious crush on rompers. very tempted to get one. very, very.

  2. What a unique collar and color! I love the romper look...not so much on me but on others :)

  3. That is indeed a desirable one!! Love the collar and bow just like you said! :)

  4. Oh wow, this is adorable! Love it! And I do need to build up my collection of rompers (which is currently nonexistent) too!

  5. I have yet to invest in a romper...I still have mixed feelings on them. But this one seems so clean and can be dressed up or down.

  6. rompers look so silly on me... :( but this is adorable. i wish i could pull it off!


  7. you would look so cute in this! DO IT!

    p.s. i'll be on vacation next week w/o computer access, so don't think i'm ignoring you!

  8. As a teenager in the 60's I was a whiz at the sewing machine and I produced a lot of rompers....but we called them playsuits in Canada. I loved them. Makes me feel young just thinking about them!

  9. It's very cute, as all rompers are. But I can't imagine a trend less flattering on this body of mine than the romper. God bless the girls who can pull them off--you're my collective heros.

  10. omg so cute! bows and collars my favorite things.


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