Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wishlist 7.13.10

I'll take either of these bags by Mar Y Sol please.   I've been a big fan of this bag for a long time now, but I hadn't see the new styles (all under $100!) until I happened across them on Lather Write Repeat the other day.

I can't decide if I'd prefer the thin design of the Marielle magazine clutch or the convenience of the Guadeloupe handbag with that fantastic giant flower.  Either way, I'm pretty convinced that Mar Y Sol makes the perfect summer bag.


Beach House Living said...

Tough choice you have there. I love the flower but would likely wreck it.

Anonymous said...

they are both so pretty. i would get both if i could. you could not go wrong with either one. love the look of the material. thanks for sharing a new handbag designer and their link.

ox ^-^

Paige said...

love these! that clutch is to die for!

Samantha said...

Both are beautiful in completely different ways.

Anna @ IHOD said...

oh my goodness yes please!
Going to check these out closer...

Callie Grayson said...

oh, i love that first one!! the colours are fab!

Gabbi said...

Second bag is gorgeous Christina! In love now...

Amanda Lee said...

i love the first one! the colours are so beautiful, it will never go out of style!


Lenore @ Lather. Write. Repeat. said...

Thanks for the link love my dear! They are fab, aren't they? Have a wonderful Wednesday.


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