Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Searching for...

...a dress for two wedding showers at the end of August.  The dress(es) must be decently modest (i.e. longer inseam) and under $100.  Because these are B's family and family friends who will be in attendance, I will be meeting them for the first time so I want to make a good impression but I also want to wear something that isn't too stuffy and reflects my personality.  Here's what I've come up with so far in my search:

Since we're having two wedding showers on the same weekend, I'm thinking two *new* dresses are appropriate.  The first set is my favorite and the most affordable combo, but I'm just not sure! What do you think???


  1. ohh my faves are the last two dresses! but really, you can't go wrong with adorable sailboats!

  2. they are all darling, but the first two are my fav!

  3. i am all over that afternoon company dress! beautiful!

  4. I am in love with the Afternoon Company dress.
    And the Sailboats dress.
    As well as the Floral dress.
    I couldn't pick just two.



  5. LOVE the afternoon company dress and too much fun dress, although i think you could totally work the lemon drop sailor dress. those are my top three, ma'am! can't wait to find out which you choose and see a picture! happy shopping! xo.

  6. ohhh so my fav for you is totally the very first one! Then the green one and then I can't decide from the last two, they are both so pretty. I would lean toward the white with flowers if I was picking for me...but for you I'm not sure, I could totally see you in both, but maybe the red one is totally Christina! :) love them all and you are so gorgeous, really you can work anything!

  7. ooooh - so purty.

    I really love the first one and close second would be the last 2.

  8. They're all so cute - I think my 2 favorites are the first (blue) and the last (red polka dot). :)

  9. The first two seem more your style, but that red and white polka dot dress is to die for!!

  10. i love the first one so much, great collar/neckline, and great shape. i also love the yellow one with sailboats, very cute!

  11. the afternoon company dress is a MUST.

  12. There is no doubt that you will look gorgeous in whatever you wear. But I gotta say that I love the greenish Flutter Sleeve Charlotte Dress way above the rest! I think it's the most beautiful color, I love the sleeves, and man it's just so pretty. Either way, I definitely agree that you deserve two new dresses. :)

  13. I like the first set myself. Especially the very first dress, very cute!

  14. love the afternoon company dress and the floral dress. and you could easily do the same shoes and accessories with both dresses or dress up the simplier one with more things. LOVE summer weddings.

  15. no question the last two dresses especially the floral is the cutest! diane vintage-tickled-pink

  16. update- i ordered the afternoon company dress! woot!
    i'll have to wait until i have some extra funds to order the other but it's a tough call...
    thanks for you all of your awesome input.

  17. The polka dot dress and the very first one.

    (check out today's Sartorialist for a really cute polka dot dress picture!!)

  18. the first two are also my favorite. Love the styles of them all though. And I think the occasion definitely calls for two new dresses ;)

  19. love the first one! and the last one!

  20. First and last. I think the red and white polka dots is perfectly modest with some fun thrown in:) And I just like the cut of the first one. Hope you have lots of fun and I'm sure you'll make a great first impression!

  21. All of the dresses are very lovely but I particularly love the floral pinafore.

  22. OK, I'm that age - not your age (it's easy to impress someone your own age!) and not so old it doesn't really matter because I'll probably either not be able to see you or not remember who you are. The one in the middle. Like, boyfriend/fiance mom age. And I like the top two, too, so I think you might be on to something.


    Love your blog, btw. I came over from one of your Apartment Therapy, I think.

  23. first for sure, it will look great in pictures!
    and last...just cause it's fun!

    adorable choices...you really can't go wrong with any of them.

  24. I love them all, but the first set and the last set are my faves :)


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