Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Photography: Polaroids + Quotes

The 365 Polaroids + Quotes project by Parker Fitzgerald is pretty inspiring.

The project is running through 2010 and you can see the updated quotes and photos here.  I think the artist should make a day-to-day calendar because I'd totally buy it.

As I mentioned earlier, blogger is giving me problems with comments.  I appreciate every single one of them and they are going to my e-mail so I can see them but they aren't being published on the site.  I'm crossing my fingers this gets fixed very soon.   Do you hear me blogger???

images via Parker Fitzgerald


  1. I've had the same problem with posting comments via E-mail. If you log into your blog and go to comment moderation, you can make them post from there.

  2. I like that message! So true!

    oh and ps....this comment thing is in the "known issues" section... YAY that its getting fixed..BOOO that its happening :( Hope it gets cleared out soon :) XOXOOXOXOX

  3. Thanks for the link--I'm now subscribing to their feed.

  4. I did a similar project years ago (though not daily)! Thanks for this link. I look forward to checking it out!

  5. I just discovered her work about 2 weeks ago...just lovely, isn't it?

  6. I adore that quote. Oh that is exactly what I needed to read! Thank you!

  7. bah, ive met him. he's a gem.

  8. love this idea & your blog :) !!!


I do my best to respond to your comments. If you are asking a question, please make sure to check back in the comments sections for a response.
Your comments make me so very happy. Thank you!